Harmonie Cassée

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Age: Why do you care...? (16)
Gender: ...Really? (Female)
Sexuality: ...Does it matter? (Bi)
Powers: I'll show you why 'Harm' is in my name if you don't fuck off...(She has dark magic, can turn invisible, and can turn into a cat)
Personality: ...*stares at you, annoyed* (She's quiet, secluded, mysterious, a tiny bit sassy and sarcastic when you get to know her, and very tough)
Likes: ...Since you're SO persistent...I like music, I can play the piano, I can sing, I like sweet green tea, being alone, and salmon...
Dislikes: I hate people, crowds, loud noises, spiders, insects, crumbs, coffee eraser shavings, the sun, thunder storms, hot weather, cucumbers, spicy food, messy food, bitter food, cities, talking, and you. You asked didn't you? Now leave.

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