Admission 2

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I have three secrets no one will ever know.

Those who do know know best to stay silent.

For we are all careful when it comes to secrecy you know.

Those secrets that lie between I and others,

We all keep quiet and refuse to let out the truth.

We have an unspoken agreement to never speak of it to another.

The first one is simple, it was harmless and I was young.

But I still keep it quiet for it should not be said.

Because whether I was young and dumb or not, it is that of a song that should never be sung.

The second is bad, really bad for my taste.

I feel like I'm trapped and this one I cannot escape.

It is affected by my weight, height, and age.

Lastly the third, it is the worst.

It was a moment of stupidity, curiosity, and morbidity.

It is a truth that to I will never speak a word.   

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