Chapter: 3

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Katy's POV

My mom was driving me to school and it was my first day back at school with no electronics and the whole me can't hang out with Crawford thing. I honestly don't think that'll work at all, I have no idea what my parents were thinking. She dropped me off In front of the school and Crawford came up to me, probably going to ask why I wasn't answering my phone or to hang out or something. My mother gave me the 'look' and I sighed.

"Hey Katy" Crawford came up to me.

I just let my head fall and I quickly scurried away, completely ignoring him and walking in the school going to my first period which was science. As I said before we have the same classes so this will be more difficult.

When the bell rang Crawford walked in and sat next to me.

"Katy what's wrong"

Debating on if I should answer I just did. I really have no choice he'll bug me till I tell him.

"Well I'm pretty much failing math and if I don't get my grade up I won't graduate. Ms. Mendes came to my house and told my parents everything from me not doing daily grade assignments and skipping class.-"

"Really? But doesn't math come so easy to you. And plus you pass every single test"

"I know that's what I said. But still I need to bring up my grade or I won't graduate. So my punishment is no electronics and I can't I hang out with you anymore" I said the last part quietly.

"What? why can't you hang out with me?"

"Ms. Mendes said that since I've been hanging out with you too much that's why I'm failing so my parents have this new mindset that you're a bad influence on me"

"Wha-" Crawford got cut off by our teacher Mr. Williams

"Miss Parker and Mr. Collins see me after class"

Ah great you have got to be kidding me. Why does the world hate me. It intends on getting me caught all the time. What did I ever do to you?

The rest of the boring class I was quiet and ignored every peep that came out of Crawford's mouth when he tried to talk to me. Science soon ended when the bell rang and I tried to sneak of Mr. Williams class, which didn't work at all.

"Miss Parker, not so fast" I turned back around and walked up to Mr. Williams and Crawford.

"Detention after school both of you" Mr. Williams told us and have us our detention passes. I sighed, took the pass and walked to my math class, leaving Crawford behind. I honestly don't know how the day could get any worse. I don't care if right now I'm jinxing it, but today has been terrible and it's only second period.

I walked into class and went up to talk to Ms. Mendes.

"How can I get my grade up" I asked her. She turned to her desk behind her and grabbed a stack of papers, and handed then to me.

"This is all of your makeup work, and also we have a test tomorrow."

"When is all this due" I asked holding up the stack of papers that was probably nearly one hundred papers. How much math do we really have to do in this class?

"One week before the end of the school year, so I have time to put in all the grades."

"Alright" that meant I had 3 weeks to finish all this. I hope that's enough time.

I sat down in my seat when the bell rang and listened to all the boringness that she was talking about. Who really cares. It was different from how I used to spend the time in this class, I actually was working on the assignment today.

I haven't talked to Crawford all day, except for first period. It was now lunch, and I was sitting by myself. I kind of wish Crawford was here. As if my prayers were answered, he walked up to the table and sat next to me.

"Hey Katy"


"You never did finish telling me why you can't hang out anymore"

"Yes I did. My grades are low in math, if I don't pass I don't graduate. My parents think your a bad influence on me, resulting in, I can't hang out with you, or have electronics. I'd so rather die, if I can't have my phone. My parents are torturing me." I slightly laughed at the last part, causing Crawford to laugh too.

The last three periods of the day went by super slow. When I realized I had to walk home today and I couldn't walk with Crawford, my heart sank and I was dreading walking alone. The bell rang and I grabbed all my stuff leaving the school. Crawford ran up behind me scaring the shit out me.

"What the fuck Crawford"

He laughed hysterically. "You get scared to easily"

"I wasn't expecting that"

"Whatever, anyway wanna walk home today"

"I can't"

His smile fell "oh right"

"Sorry" I turned around to walk to my house when I saw Chris, or what I thought was Chris. I hit Crawford's shoulder and pointed to where Chris was.

"Hey isn't that Chris"


"Where I'm pointing, right there"

"Yeah looks like him"

"What's he doing here?"

"I don't know"

"Ugh come on" I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him over to where Chris was.

"Hey Katy" he said enthusiastically

"And Crawford" he said less enthusiastically

I laughed at this "haha Chris likes me better" I rubbed in Crawford's face.

"What are you doing here anyway" I said getting back on topic.

"No reason"

"Alright then"

"Well can you guys take me home, I don't feel like walking and this is probably the last time I'll see you guys"

"What, why" Chris asked

I once again told the story, not leaving out a single detail and that's when i realized my parents only said I couldn't hang out with Crawford. They didn't say anything about Chris. When finished telling the story I had a wide smile on my face. I had just found a loop hole. Chris and Crawford both looked at me confused.

"I found a loop hole"

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