Chapter: 16

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Crawford's POV

the door began to open I was literally shiting my pants and this point in time I had now clue what to do I was afraid if that was her parents.

"Katy " I recognize the voice very well.

"Chris what are you doing here?"

He then entered the house so I could see him completely.

"what are you doing here " he asked.

"I asked you first now answer"

"I came to apologize to katy" he said with a stern and determined look.

"okay now answer my question why are you here?" he asked again.

"well I asked out Katy.... " I didn't finish my sentence because i was cut off by a punch right on the face.

after that they kept coming and coming. then I got my thoughts straight and headed straight for the gut.

after like 10 minutes of fighting.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING ?" we both stopped and turned around and saw....

Chris' POV

I felt really bad for what I did to Katy the guilt was eating me alive. so I drove to katy's house I opened the door. I noticed that she wasn't there but Crawford was there.

"what are you doing here? " he asked me.

"what are you doing here I asked him.

"I asked you first so tell me" he said with a stern look.

"I came to apologie to Katy "

"so tell me what you are doing here?"

"um... i sort of asked Katy to be my girlfriend" he said.

I didn't know what else to say or do so I punched him. And after that they just kept coming and coming until.....

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" we stopped and turned around and saw her. She look like she saw a ghost or something. it looked like she was waiting for one of us to speak.

"I we .... U-mm"

Katy's POV

So after I ran, I walked back to my house I really didn't want to be there. First off I didn't even know if my parents were back or not. So
yea........ I open the door form my house and when I enter my eyes almost flew out of there sockets literally. I saw Crawford and Chris fighting. Like what the hell do they think there doing especially in my house like what the fuck.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING??" I asked. Then they stopped.

"I we .... U-mm" Chris said like he didn't know what to say.

"well I'm waiting " I said getting a little bit frustrated.

"well I was looking for you because when I woke up your weren't here and so I started freaking out and stuff then Chris came ,and then I asked him what he was doing and then he said that he came to say sorry , and then he asked me and I said that I came to ask you to be my girlfriend and like yea then he started punching me and then the fight happened and then you came and now where here" said Crawfrod.

I looked at Chris for an explanation. But nothing came out.

"sorry" he said and ran out the house to who knows where. I looked at Crawford and he had the same expression as me.
But my question was.

Where and why did Chris leave?

A/N: OMG hey guys I knows it's been forever. I'm really sorry! I have terrible writers block and still do! I worked really hard to try and get a chapter out for y'all. And here you go.

My friend Bianca wrote this for me, so thank you Bianca! She is @ kantarias_sykes_ on wattpad so go check out her story's and give her a follow! thank her for the chapter! She is our life savor!

Well anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter! Btw sorry for any errors i didn't have to edit the chapter, bc I felt bad for not updating in so long!

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