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"babe," she slurred, clinging on tightly to dan's sweater. dan looked down at her, cringing as she began to pull him closer. he felt her breath on his face, scrunching up his nose at the stench of alcohol.

"becca, you're drunk," he said as clearly as possible over the deafening volume of the music. she placed her hands on his shoulders, and the sudden contact made dan jump as far away as possible. becca groaned, clearly annoyed at the lack of warmth. to dan's relief, she shot him one last glare before stomping off, probably to flirt with another guy.

dan took this opportunity to run (metaphorically, exercise drained him). he made his way through the crowd of sweaty teenagers grinding up against him, his breath becoming unsteady and his vision blurred. he hated parties; his somewhat demon girlfriend forced him to come. she insisted it would 'affect her reputation' if she missed it. despite the fact that dan both didn't give a flying shite about her reputation or if she would be angry at him for not going, he went, but only after a lot of convincing from his mother.

he cringed at the thought. it was clear to him that becca only used him to say she had a boyfriend, but that was unknown to his parents. though that stings, he couldn't risk his mothers disapproval at him breaking up with her, despite how obviously unhealthy their relationship was.

dan shook his head, deciding it was something to think about another time. for now though, he was still trying to manoeuvre through the crowd of flailing arms and stringy hair. the air was extremely humid and dan found his breathing had escalated into hyperventilation.

not looking where he was going, dan felt himself crash into one of the many gross bodies, only this time he got drenched in cold, mystery liquid that smelled strongly of alcohol. he squeezed his eyes shut as he froze on the spot, lifting his hands up to wipe his face of the ice cold drink.

"shit! i - i mean, shoot! i'm so sorry, here, let me help you to the bathroom-"

dan blinked. he looked up to see a boy almost as tall as him. his eyebrows were furrowed together in concern, hovering over his colourful blue eyes which were clear as day in the dimly lit room. slightly covering one of those eyes was his long, black fringe. he raised an eyebrow skeptically as dan realised he still hadn't given an answer. dan's own eyes widened as he opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by the obnoxiously squeaky voice he had been dreading to hear all night.

"dan! there you are, i was looking for so long, damn - who the fuck are you?" becca blurts, an agitated look evident on her face. she turned to the blue eyed boy at the last part. he nervously looks between becca and dan, before clearing his throat and speaking up.

"i'm phil, phil lester. i spilled my drink on -" he looks at dan expectantly, dan taking a while to catch on.

"oh - uh, i'm dan."

"i spilled my drink on dan and i was just going to get him cleaned up, if that's okay." phil finished up, confidence laced in his voice.

becca looks him up and down with a look of doubt on her face. she turns back to dan with an eyebrow raised.

"babe, i think you should go home for a change of clothes," she says with fake concern in her voice, completely ignoring phil. i opened my mouth to speak, but the blue eyed boy beat me to it.

"can't he make his own choices? c'mon, i'll get you a change of clothes," dan stared at phil questionably, causing phil to giggle and explain himself. "it is my party, in my house, after all."

phil began to lead the way, and to his own surprise, dan began to follow him. his journey was cut short when he felt a strong grip on his arm, spinning him around to face the person whose grip on his arm would probably leave a bruise.

"becca, leave me alone. i'll be back in a few minutes." dan huffed, tugging his arm out of her hold. he groaned as he glanced around, the raven haired boy nowhere to be seen. "fuck me." he grumbled under his breath.

"maybe later, but you're starting to stink of alcohol,"

dan choked on air, and suddenly finding himself being dragged through the sweaty teenagers.


"so," phil gestured to a typical wooden door before shoving it open. "mi casa."

dan really tried to ignore the quite well drawn cartoon of jake the fucking dog holding a sword on his door, with large red writing saying 'keep out, unless you want to fite me.'

"i'm assuming you're expecting another black shirt?"

"am i that predictable?"

"seeing as you're currently all in funeral type clothes, yes, you're quite predictable," phil smirked, before rummaging through his closet. dan bit his lip, desperately hoping phil didn't hand him a neon green shirt. he just about caught a smile tugging at phils lips, before his vision was blocked by a soft piece of fabric, which suspiciously smelled of chocolate.

dan heard a giggle from somewhere in the room, before plucking the pastel pink sweater off his face. he rolled my eyes theoretically.

"phil," dan whined, maybe purposely dragging on the 'i'.

"what? it'll look good on you," he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in defence. dan flushed, no doubt a way darker shade of pink than the sweater in his hand was. "go on, get changed. i'm only messing with you. bathroom is through that door."

dan's heart rate increased a questionable amount, he was surprised phil didn't hear it. he dragged my feet across the carpeted floor, reaching the 'bathroom' door and stumbling in.

first thing he done was look at himself in the mirror. i huffed as my eyes wandered to my mop of brown hair on my head. it had reverted back to it's natural form, the curls making me look like a damn hobbit. my pitch black shirt had a somewhat darker shade of black splattered in the middle, the alcohol making the shirt cling uncomfortably tight to my chest.

i tugged at the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head, trying to avoid the already mess of a head of hair, and flinging the soaked shirt to the tiled floor. i was hit with the coolness of the bathroom air almost instantly, and i heard an obnoxiously loud nock on the door.

"dan? you're not dying in there, are you?"

i rolled my eyes to the back of my head once more. i grabbed the stupidly coloured sweater and threw it over my head.

i reached for the cold handle and pushed. phil stood anxiously at the other side of the door, biting his lips with his hands in his pockets. phil grinned when he saw me. my fingers wrapped tight around the sweaters evident sweater paws, before phil spoke up.


i blushed furiously.

"you're the one who's making me wear it!"

"i mean, you went with it,"

i pouted, crossing my arms together.

"are we just going to stand here and argue over a fucking sweater, or can we go downstairs for some pizza?"

"good idea,"


hahahaha ok that was chapter one. yes inspo is dodie's 'she' bc i'm trash. this is short and shitty but tell me ur opinions, this is only the second book i've ever written!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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