.o2 - capture

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Wearing a dull colored tunic and a tan scarf around your head, you had decided to try to blend in with the locals. You kept a fair distance between yourself and the men as a precaution but you drifted ever closer to the group as time went on. It seemed like they were looking for a place to stay at this point. This gave you the opportunity to get even closer, as they were currently preoccupied. And with your disguise, you were confident that they would not count you as suspicious.

Carefully slinking along the side of the road, the side where the injured teen was, you relaxed your muscles and walked casually. For extra measure, you had picked up a basket with several fruits earlier. Now with the appearance of a regular local who was out shopping, you subtly walked closer to the injured red head but stopped once a firm fist grabbed a hold of your wrist. Your whole body tensed as you hoped that it wasn't the one who "saved" you earlier.

Turning your head to look behind you, your fears were confirmed. Broad shoulders, an angled jaw, a scowl, a frayed black cap, and a glare. By this point, you were shaking, skin sticky with perspiration. You had forgotten that you were in disguise, fear gripping your heart. Maybe it was because you were no match for him or maybe it was the thought of him keeping an eye on you ever since the initial "meeting" that caused you to lose your composure. Either way, you were equally likely to be beat up badly.

"Your face looks familiar." You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up. Ocean blue eyes bored into your soul. You didn't notice it but your face contorted into one of absolute terror.

Shit, he's got me.

Through your peripheral vision, you could see that strong purple arms now held your wrists in place. You've heard of his stand—Star Platinum—and of the immense strength and speed it possessed. Your stand, Ptah, only being a very close range and low power stand, could never hope to defeat him in a one on one fight.

"Oi, oi, oi, Jooootaro!" An obnoxious French-accented voice yelled out. "What the hell are you doing to that girl!?"

Jotaro—you finally knew what the guy's name was—replied, "Tch. She's a stand user."

Your eyes widen at his statement, the confidence in your disguise crumbling as he pointed a sharp look through your soul. There were some noises of confusion and surprise, most coming from the man with the accented voice.

"Haaaaaah!? Isn't she the one you saved earlier? How can, how can you be sure that she's a stand user!?" The man, the one with the pillar of hair, only got a grunt in response.

You were essentially confused out of your mind. How did he know that you were a stand user? How could he tell? You never had your stand out during the other encounter you had with him and you kept yourself from summoning it now. There was no way he could tell that you were a stand user.

As you were lost in thought, the rest of the group had noticed the ruckus and had their eyes on you. In a last minute struggle to get out of the situation at hand, you squirmed and wiggled in an effort to shake off Star Platinum's iron grip. Your "binding" tightened as a result.

Panicking, your thoughts drifted to your "friend", the one who sent you to do this. Your friend had expectations for you and you failed him. This was your first real battle and the shock of being caught by someone who could easily crush you between his thighs was overwhelming and terrifying. What would he think if he saw you like this? What would he think if he knew that you were subdued this easily? The guilt consumed you.

Jotaro had hoisted you up to face him at eye-level. He said a few words, all of which you did not really process. Deathly afraid of what was to come next, your whole body stiffened. This was a man who could easily crush your head between his stand's thighs with no hesitation, a man whose stand was reported to have punched through a solid block of diamond with its fists, a man who, despite being only a teenager, looks like he's experienced everything from the depths of hell and beyond.

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