Chapter 21

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"Just great, we've broken into as well" Nick grumble walking into the house

 All ten boys walked in prepared to take out their anger at the intruder verbally.

"I swear to god mate, get out of our house, I'm not in the mood for shit right now" Luke yelled at the figure sitting on the couch

"Guess I deserved that" a voice responded that made all of them stop in their tacks

"You're home"


*Third Person POV*

Have you ever felt a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach?

Every felt so much anger, sadness, disbelief and relief all mixed into one giant ball of emotion?

I guess that's the only way you could ever describe how those boys were feeling in that moment. They stared shocked at the person, not knowing whether to actually believe this or maybe it was a dream. A cruel dream that would put hope in their heads and hearts only to wake and have it striped away.

Yet, when they pinched themselves nothing happened, there still in front of them was still a human being, one who breaths, blinks and lives.

Maybe for the first time in a while, fate would be kind to them and let the hope stay alive through the night and into the day. Maybe just maybe it was real...

Maybe this time she wouldn't disappear into the night, never to be seen again or maybe this time she won't leave them without a trace.

The eldest called the station, telling them they had found her safe, while the others each took turns to hug her, no one spoke a word not a single word was uttered for five minutes.

Now that she was here in front of them, alive and well, it was time for questions or at least an explanation.

"I've done a lot of stupid things and yet nothing compares to this, running away, making you all stress and for what? Me to come home? It was a rushed and messed up decision. I don't think I can give you a reason for my thinking, but I can tell you that I am so sorry for it, maybe had I been smarter and told you guys, it wouldn't have happened" she explained

"Tris, we won't lie and say what you did was okay or in any way planned, but we could never be angry with you, we all know how shirt life can be and we don't have time to hold this against you" the second eldest explained

Wiping away the tears she looked at her now known twin, now looking at it they could all see the similarities between the two.

"You put me through hell, I could scream, cry or just smack you clean across the face, but I couldn't hate you. Nathan, we are siblings, I may have a bad history with you, but I'm wiping that away I want a sibling relationship with you. I've already lost the parents I knew, I'm not losing a sibling too"  with that done, she pulls him into a long-needed hug, once pulled away they sit on the couch again.

"I think we will leave you two alone" Alex hums pointing at Charlie

All the brothers leave the room, and the two confused teens sit together, his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest where her head lay, gaining comfort from his somewhat steady heartbeat. Neither knowing how to break the silence between them, they both knew they liked the other, but they didn't know the other felt the same way.

She finally looks up at him, eyes welling with tears when they make eye contact, his brown eyes filled with tears meeting hers, the same expression painted across her ace. One filled with love, hope, and most of all fear. Fear that one of them would disappear if they dared to blink, he had lost her once before he wasn't going to again, she ran from all these feelings once before she wasn't this time.

Both leaning in, not sure where it would take them, only knowing it felt right for this to happen. So much drama and hate had been in their lives recently, so this sparkle of happiness was what they both needed. They were so close, yet so far from meeting in the middle, only a few seconds really.

Just as they reached each other, the small touch between lips, a small spark is all they needed to actually lean in.

The banging sound of someone hitting the door snapped them apart as the eldest brother opened the door, nothing but a gasp escaping his lips when seeing who was at the door.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for what's mine"


*Wipes Tears* It's finished guys! I cant believe this, after so much time spent on this book, watching it grow and gain readers and reading all the lovely comments I cant believe its finished. Yes I know I'm annoying leaving it like this, buttttt I have made the decision there will be a second book. Any ideas for names? Please comment them !

When starting this book, I never believed that it would get this far, I mean I'm a high school student who has had some troubles these past couple of years, this book was a stress reliever, I could literally write anything and you guys would support me. Words can not describe how much I love each and everyone one of you, the comments, the votes and the reads. They make my day so much better, knowing that my book was being read and people were enjoying it.

Life can get crappy, trust me I know, stress, school work, friendship problems, bullying and everything in between, you readers on Wattpad make that go away as I can trust you all.

 I met some amazing people on this app, aka Z.

(Quick Note To Z) 

Z, you are literally one the people I trust the most in the world. You can make my day so much brighter. Your drawing skills are absolutely brilliant and words could never ever describe how much they make me smile. Love you so much <3

My parents don't actually know I write on here whoops XD



Signing out for that last time on this book


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