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Morty sat in his room, messy with clothes on the floor. Small speakers placed on his dresser next to his bed with his phone plugged in. The speakers played songs of The Flesh Curtains, a band that Bird Person told Morty about one time at his house.

"Hey, Bird Person? What-wh-what's this?" Morty had asked pointing to a frame on the wall once Rick left to go to the bathroom. The frame had a picture of 4 males. They all looked as if they were in there late teens or ealy 20s. Behind them stood the words 'The Flesh Curtains' in red, oozing down at parts that made it seem like blood.

Bird Person made his way to where Morty stood and gave a slight chuckle.
"Oh man, I used to be in a band. Well.. not me personally, but Rick told me it was from a different dimension."
Morty stared in amazement. His eyes sparkled as he looked back at the picture.

"If you want. You can have it." He said, Morty happily took it. Since then, Morty has been listening to the band and was quietly obsessed.

The young teen sat humming to the music on his bed. He pulled the picture from under his bed and looked at it. He took the fragile old picture out from the frame and flipped it over to see Song names. He quickly got his phone and typed in one of the Titles.
'Do I Wanna Know?'

Before Morty could even get to the first lyrics of the song there was a knock from his bedroom door. He turned the volume down just a bit before opening the door.

"Ye--?!?" Morty was suddenly blindfolded and there was a slight giggle from his older sister.
"Summer?! Wh-what the hell is going on?!" Morty panicked as he was guided down the stairs.

"Oh be quiet. You should have seen this coming sometime today." Summer said. Morty was then made to sit down, it felt like the diner table. The blindfold was then loosened and Morty took the opportunity to take it off only to be surprised in awe.
Everyone sat around him with smiling faces.

"Happy birthday son!" Beth kissed Mortys forehead before putting a cake in front of Morty.
"Happy Birthday Morty!!" Everyone chimed in. Morty was speechless. He actually almost forgot about his birthday. His mind was filled with Ricks adventures and when there will be more, aside from band he recently listened to.

"Than-thank you.. oh wow! This is amazing thank you g-guys!!" Morty finally said after a while. He was officially 17. He was almost as tall as Rick, but not quite. They all ate the cake and ice cream.

"So Morty, d-dont tell me you forgot it was *burp* your birthday." Rick said stuffing a peice of cake in his mouth. Morty scratched the back of his neck.

"What? Pfft. Of course not!"

"Your faUUGHce said different dip shit."

"Okay, why are we talking about this? It doesn't matter, at least we are celebrating aren't we?" Jerry said above the two. Rick gave him a disgusted look and returned to his cake.

"Did you even check the calender? His birthday was last week.." Rick said quietly. Morty quickly looked at his uncle along with everyone else.

"WHAT?! Dad, are you kidding?? Oh my gosh, I'm the worst mother--"

"Honey, honey! Baby! No no, I was just kidding. Sheesh.... can't make a joke." Rick calmed his daughter. Beth gave a slight laugh and wiped her head with a relieved sigh.
Once everyone was done eating they all gave Morty birthday presents. Well, except for Rick. After opening the others he told Morty he was just going to take him somewhere and pick for himself since it be easier.

After being around the family for an hour or so, Morty decided to go back up to his room and press play on the song he didn't finish, but instead played it over since he was with everyone for so long. There was then another knock and a magazine slid under his door.

"Another present from your bitch of a sister." Summers voice was heard from the other side of the door. Morty heard her walk off and got up grabbing the magazine.

"Wow..Th-thanks Summer!" Morty yelled through the door hoping she heard. In his hands was a porn magazine. She knows him so well. He let out a small chuckle going back to his bed flipping through the pages. Not even 15 minutes there was another knock, but this time it wasn't Summer. I tossed the the magazine on the bed as I got up. Before opening the door, it was then flung open hitting Morty in the face.

"Ow! Ah shit... what the fuck!" Morty yelled. Rick looked down at Morty on the ground.

"M-morty! Since I didn't get you anything for today. Let's go out and get something. I don't r-reAUGH-really wanna since you're always a piece of shit Morty. But your mother wants everyone to get you at least something. You can get a fucking sex thing or- or- or I don't know! No, forget what I said. J-just forget what I said. I'm not dealing with any alien sex robot ever again." Rick babbled on. Morty got up and sat back on his bed turning off the music that he forgot was still playing.
He was then struck with an idea. Morty knew what he wanted Rick to do for his Birthday.

"Hey, R-Rick? Um.. I have an idea..?"

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