Grayson en Ethan gesprek back in LA {engels};

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Gesprek tussen Grayson en Ethan Dolan back in LA {engels};

E: Yooo

G: ...

E: whats wrong

G: Idk i just have the feeling that alot of things are about to change when we are going on tour..

E: Grayy.. Ikr that you are worried about our dad but you know what he told us!..

G: No it's not about that, i just have this weird feeling.

E: Uhh gray is everything alright? Do you have an anxiety attack or something?

G: No, but im-


G: Okey i saw this girl on instagram and im worried about her. She is having anxiety attacks and stuff. I dmd her with our fake instagram account and asked her some stuff and told her to calm down. And i asked her if she knew us but she didn't so idk how i can help her 😩

E: damn.. Do you know where she lives?

G: yeah all the way in Holland, but we are going to Holland so maybe we can surprise her?

E: but she doesn't know that we even exist, so whats your plan?

G: *telling ethan the plan*

Falling for a twin. {Fanfic Dolan Twins} {Dutch}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu