Chapter 1: The Party...

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"Welcome to the celebration of Benjamin Libertine and Joan Hail" said a sign at the gate. Why of all things did my older sister have to get married to a man like that. I cannot drive yet legally with more than one person in the car so my parents had to drive me and my brothers Ryan and Noah to the reception. See, Ryan would have driven but my parents refused to let him because even though he was 18 he still was the reckless man you could meet. My other brother is 16 as well except he was born in June while I was born on the last day of October. So he cannot drive either. I do not understand why we had to travel from Pennsylvania to Arizona just to come to their damn reception. But since my sister is the oldest at 23 and my parents favorite, we did.

At the party there was about every food you could have imagined. There was a classical band with a orchestra, woodwind, and brass section. They really did go all out on that whole thing. But they could because both families, Libertine and Hail  were just about equally rich. I bet they rented the biggest space they could find only to prove that. The Libertines have always been show-offs. While the Hails were humble and didn't like to show our money. That party was mainly for the Libertines. I hate parties and would kill anyone who threw me one.

My friends threw me a surprise happy 16 and I blew up and ran back inside and didn't come out till the end for presents. They learned their lesson that day about parties.

At the party I was constantly told about how my sister was lucky and I how I should be happy for her. The only thing was that I actually wasn't. I don't remember why she liked him or when that started but I hated it and I hated him. People were everywhere I went and I couldn't be alone for more than 5 seconds. It didn't help that I wore my regular style clothes instead of the frilly spring dresses like everyone else. That day I wore a Pierce The Veil tee-shirt, black skinny jeans, a ponytail, black high top converse, my many bracelets ranging from spikey to rubber band logos to chains, fake gages, and dark eyeliner. I was the sore thumb of that party.

After a while I found the entrance to the garden maze right behind the rich people party. I moved swiftly to avoid being spotted since my mother, sister, father and a few party going guests told me I shouldn't go here.

But little did they know apparently; when you tell a teen not to do something they will do that anyway and possibly do it with more effort and enthusiasm. And that is what I did I went in there happy to get away from that party and ran through it for what felt like hours. But would actually equal about 30 minutes. I finally got  tired and took a break and sat down on a part of the ground that wasn't damp.

Time seemed to move faster while I was sitting because it was getting dark. I was starting to get a little tired so I figured I would take a nap and wake up in a few minutes. I put my bag next to me for a makeshift pillow and went to sleep.

 I woke to the felling of something wet hitting my cheeks. Then I heard the dripping of puddles. Oh great. Rain. I shot up and found a tree that would make rain less likely to fall around me. being bored I sat down on a rock I moved to make a seat out of and took out my 3ds. Pokemon Y was entertaining for about 30 minutes until i got stuck in a cave. So I just turned it off and put it back in my bag.

After about ten minutes of sitting under that tree. Without anything to do what so ever but listening to the rain might I add. I decided to pull out my sketchbook and try to draw. The only few things I could draw at that point in time was anime characters, eyes, and landscape. While I was drawing the face of my second character I heard something faint. But it sounded somewhat familiar. Mother. What was she saying though... I couldn't tell at that moment.

She called me. Continuously all she was shouting was "Riley, Riley were are you!" "Please don't be in the garden my dear..." Annoyed I stood up, packed up my bag and left to find the exit of this seemingly endless garden maze.

About five minutes later I stumbled on a limb and fell flat onto my face. "Dammit" was all I said before looking up and seeing a pair of men's black dress shoes. Confused I picked my self up and looked around for the man to fit the shoes. Nothing. No one was there... I'm am going crazy, was all I thought but I was soon to figure out that I wasn't.

I heard my name being called but much closer that time. The next thing I knew I was being pulled back into a tight hug. "Don't you ever run off again." my mother said in an assertive tone. I knew when we were behind closed doors I would be in for it. She pulled me out of the garden maze and all the sudden I had a longing feeling like I was supposed to be there and go back. I knew better than to defy my mother when she is a literal six inches away from me and watching my every move like a hawk.

We were back at the party for about two seconds and I already hated it. Every single person had their eyes on me and mother. The difference is she enjoys the attention especially since it's triumphant attention at that. Me on the other hand cannot stand attention. But I got the worst kind too. The "bad child" attention. Having that in my family pretty much made everyone think of you as a nuisance. I hate being bad child but I can't help it.

-Throughout all my life I always had a sense of curiosity that would get me in trouble. I also had a feeling like no matter were I go I was being watched even when alone. Eventually my parents got tired of it and stopped paying as much attention to me and started to pay attention to Joan, Ryan, and Noah more. They Even went as far as building a studio/room above the work garage. Were things like boats or cars we owned would be fixed. Only so that I wouldn't have to be around them as much. I never did anything to gain favorable attention either.-

"Dinner Time everyone!" Joan's voice rang. I hate eating with them all. They eat like the really snooty people on TV.. NO LIE!! I found a table in the back were no one was sitting and ate my steak and mashed potatoes (courtesy of having a private chef.) in peace and quiet. I soon finished and looked to see if anyone was watching. Nope, everyone's eyes were on my sister and brother-in-law. It really isn't fair for her to be the favorite child.

If only people knew who she truly is and what she has done then no one would have loved her. She bullied me through out my life and called me a failure which I was used to seeing as everyone did it. Even Noah who liked me for me only so he wouldn't be bashed for not hating me. She abused me too. She would come at night and punch me and kick me until I was unconscious and wouldn't know if it continued. It went on for years and no one ever found out. After she stopped for about two months she came back. But it was different. She didn't only have fists and feet but glass, broken bottles, ropes, chains, knives, or even metal/  wood furniture. she would beat me to her heart's content until she was bored and left. every time I would fall unconscious. Eventually when she started dating Benjamin, she moved out and the beating stopped. I finally was able to get better. Not a single person every knew besides me and Joan.

She was still my sister though. I never wanted her to completely leave only to stop beating me up. I always forgave her for it and loved her no matter what she did to me. But she did and it didn't just hurt me but it hurt mother the most and Ryan and Noah only slightly cared. They never really liked Joan. They thought she was hiding something which she was. Sometimes one would see her go to the garage with a bag and then come back a couple hours. They asked me and I said it nothing about it.

Back to the ceremony. Since everyone was paying attention to my sister and Ben and I was all the way in the back I doubted anyone would see me. And it isn't like they cared in the first place. Well here goes. Time for me to be myself and be free of all their evil rich parties. To that enchanted and seemingly never ending garden I go.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                       I'm soo sorry for the long wait but here you go. this chap was so aggravating to write I hope you like it.

-Serenenightmare =^-^=

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