Chapter 2: -Return to the Garden

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I left the party as soon as I saw that the coast was clear. I got up and walk backwards into the darkness with no light except for the full moon. I heard my sister said few weeks prior that she wanted everything to fit into a time frame that would make it possible for the reception to be held on the night of a full moon.

That was the only thing me and my sister had in common for hobbies. Just that small factor made her hate me more. She used to yell at me to find something else to be interested in just so i would not have anything in common with her. She could never nor would never except anything we would have in common. But she could not ever get over astronomy.

"Were do you thing you are going?" Joan said to me with her voice full of venom. A second later a felt a sting on my right cheek. She slapped me. "Get back to my party you pathetic excuse of a sister." And with that she walked passed me making sure to hit my shoulder with enough force to make me stumble a little bit. All i could do was stare at the place my evil sister had once stood only a few seconds ago. Her voice so full of venom and her eyes so full of hatred. How... no, why would she risk the popularity among the people at this large reception only to get a small amount of her anger out on me? But also making me feel pathetic and useless in the process, was that her goal? She must truly hate me with the burning passion of her black and cold soul to do that here. I wonder why she hates me at all. What have i ever done?

After a couple of minutes standing there just staring at the dewed grass were my sister once stood. I realized i still had a bit of a ways to go to get to the garden maze. So I decided to make my move then. I checked again to make sure i was not  being watched or followed i set out to find the closest entrance. To say i ran for my life is an understatement. I sprinted like never before with an extra amount of force in my step just to move faster.Twenty more feet, almost there, almost. Ten feet. So close to the entrace. Five more, almost there, almost. As i finally make it to the entrance to the garden maze i slow my pace. When i get a good few feet in i stop and hunch over, taking quick breaths as i do. Once my breathing returns to normal i begin to dig through my backpack to find my headphones. When i found them i pull out my phone and begin searching through my music.

I found my newest addition to my playlists, Fall Out Boy. As i started playing Alone Together from their album, save rock and roll I begin to make my way through the maze. The maze starts off familiar since the last time i came here. But as I begin to get farther into it the less things seem to be the same. The green walls seem to take on another color or more than one. The patio stones on the ground seem to take on a darker color. As i turn a corner I see a similar figure. The figure from earlier. And i do the one thing you never are supposed to do but they always do in horor movies. I follow him. Taking my time to make sure i don't get lost, i begin to hear the foot steps annd someone mumbling. "Time, time its all running out." and " Come on my dear, the time is almost up." I asume he's talking to someone else. But the voice sounds so cler to be a man's, he says something that supprised me. "You! You are the the girl are you not?" As i feel a hand fall to my shoulder. I turn around as i look at the ground. Black dress shoes. The same from earlier. But when i looked up I saw the rest of this man. He was about five foot eleven, and he is wearing an all black butler's suit. In his jacket pocket is a silver chain. I stare at the chain for a little bit until he repeats what he said. "You, are the girl are you not?" Confused i look at his face. I was not expecting what i see. He is a handsome man sure with a kind face and green eyes but on his head are ears. Or to be precise rabbit ears. I stare at the ears with a sudden feeling of fear and shock. He speaks again bringing me from my trance. "Do not be alarmed my dear. You are Riley are you not?" Still a little freaked out i slowly nod. He begins to smile widely as he took his had off my shoulder and claps his hands together. I begin to walk away and he gains a conserne yet confused face. Suddenly in a once free space a root appears and trips me, making me fall onto my back. The rabbit man walks over and offers me his hand to stand up. I decline and get up myself. As i dust myself off, the rabbit man speaks again. "My dear, do not push off our kindness, we only wish to help. Do you really not remember us?" He said concerned as i sadly shake my head. "I don't know who you are... Why do you keep saying we?" He takes a minute before he answers. "You'll see." He turns around and begins to walk away from me. Before he turns around another corner he turns his head to face me, "The maze won't let you go as easily as you would so hope to think. Or at least now that it knows who you are Mrs. Hail."

Shortly after I hear shouts. They are so far in the distant it seems like they are either close to the entrance or are outside. Screaming, crying,yelling and thrashing fill my ears as a look of horor molds to my face. "Oh, and those people whom you so dearly consider your family, they won't be able to find you, you already are too far in." What the hell does that mean? My family is full of genius people; they can solve a maze. I mean this is only just a maze right?

"I suggest you come along Mrs.Hail. Or would you like stay here?"

I sigh in tiresome annoyance. I walk towards the rabbit man and he begins walking once I'm close to him. As the curiosity consumes me I decide to ask some questions intending to answers. "Excuse me?" He stops and turns to look at me. "Yes?" I start off simple, " what's your name?" He sighs, as if being asked this question before. "My name is Simon chirston. If you remembered us, you used to call me Mr. Chirry..." I look down but keep walking, the feeling that either they have the wrong girl or I really have forgotten all the people who I'm being taken to. "Can I call you Simon this time?" He chuckles, and nods. "Simon, were are we going?" He pauses before he answers. "You'll see, Mrs. Hail." He gave me the same answer as earlier when I asked him why he kept saying we.

Suddenly the look of realization appears on Simon's face. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a silver watch on a chain. He slid his thumb over the top and on the top was the queen of hearts and the queen chess piece. When he opens it I see so many more hands than any clock I have ever seen. At least about six or seven.

He closes the watch and sighs. He puts it back in his pocket and mumbles something soflty. I can only catch one word. "..Late." Confused I ask him. "Simon, what did you say?" He quickly turns around looking very annoyed and very mad. "Mrs. Hail, I'm running quite late. Now, can we get a move on?"

Why was he annoyed? Did I do something wrong, did I say something? I know I'm not the best travel companion but he shouldn't be mad at me for being late I mean he dragged me along in this. I sigh and hang my head as we walk.

A second later I feel like I'm alone. I see Simon speeding along and turning corner. Wait, does he seriously expect me to keep up with him? I panic and sprint after him. I take the same turn he did. Once I see Simon standing in the middle of a circular stone patio I begin to jog up to him. I begin to breathe harshly while catching my breath. While panting I ask, "" My breath slowly returns and he chuckles. "I did not ditch you, I knew we were almost here." As he says here I look up and take a look at were I am. "Welcome to the center of the maze." The center.. I have either made the worst mistake or the best decision of my life.


A/N: to all my lovely readers, I'm so sorry for not having this chapter bit heyyyyyyy immmm backkkkkk!!!!! I almost made this longer bit I'll save it till chap 3. Calling it walking into wonderland.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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