Chapter Three; Pink Cheeks

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The morning fades in like a scene from bad theatre production. Lines of glares that shot for my eyelids awaked me. I need a few more hours of blackness. Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. A loud groan escaped out of my chapped lips. I sit up, drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. Stretching my arms above my head and yawn. I watch my legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet. My heavy eyelids struggled to lift my green eyes to the window that was kept open all night.

The cool breeze lightly brushed against my skin. Honking and other loud sounds of the busy street below, made me snap out of my sleepy trance starring out the window at nothingness. Abruptly I shot up and closed it. The hard wood of the window was cool against my forehead from the early morning air, hands gripping the handle as I leaning against the frame. I never did well in the mornings. My stomach snarled and howled forcing me to walk into the kitchen. Passing the living room, grabbing the remote I turned the tv on while standing in the kitchen. The crunch of my teeth against the apple I had in my hand was interrupted by a morning news show. There was a time I didn't watch the news for six months, not even once. I was sick of the sad reality of this world; the overly dramatised stories. Petty crimes, huge crimes, deaths... murders. Even the whole peeking in on a celebrities life. To my surprise that wasn't what the anchor was talking about.

"Looks like our hero of queens, Spider-Man is back at it again keeping our streets clean". A small smile tugged at my lips. I leaned over the kitchen counter closer to the tv that sat in the living room. Head in my hand looking at my apple then back up at the screen. Clips of Spider-Man played in a small box next to the news reporter.

"Not only is the masked Hero stopping delinquents breaking into local stores around our area. But also helping our elderly citizens cross the street". Another phone video clip played of the Spider-Man holding up traffic whilst helping a old lady cross the street. My smile grew a tad bigger at the video. I bit my lip at the thought of the hero, remembering Thursday night. It's been 3 whole days and he hasn't came back. Although I did technically tell him to come back to see me, obviously it wasn't clear. Well I wanted to tell him I want to see him again, instead i told him if he needed anything come back. Stupid. It's only been 3 days it's only Monday.

"Fuck!" Scrambling to turn the tv off bolting for the bathroom. I started school today and totally forget. Struggling to get ready not knowing the time I swiftly pulled my hair up into a messy bun. Not like those pretty messy buns an actual messy bun where strands of my hair feel out to shape my face. They formed into small blonde ringlets. I ended up just putting mascara on. Brushed my teeth sprayed myself with a ridiculous amount of deodorant hoping it'll make up for not having a shower. I dived onto my bed checking my phone. School started in 15 minutes. Rolling off of my bed dramatically I pulled jeans on and a stripped t-shirt. By the time I was out the door with my back pack and phone, I broke into a sprint towards the school. I was lucky they informed me with my timetable and showed me around the school last Friday.


"No way". Ned stated softly.

"Well it happens". I shrugged with that my locker shut. The halls of the school was filled with pointless conversations between other students before class started. Ned and I begun walking to our class since the bell was to ring any second now. Suddenly another body collided with my shoulder. My spidery senses kicked in swiftly moving to catch the person who just bumped into me with a great amount of force. It was as if everything was in slow motion. Must of been because I was moving at such a great speed. My hands grabbed their waist pulling them up. It was a girl who was slightly shocked at the sudden comfort of having both her feet on the ground.

My eyes locked on hers like magnets. I found myself studying her with a predator's unwavering attention. Realisation consumed me. The colour was washed right out of my face. As I got lost in the green pools of her eyes. I became fully aware that this was the girl I met the other night as Spider-Man. She breathed uneasy staring back at me. With her breath she mindlessly blew a strand of hair out of her face momentarily, before it gracefully fell back on her flawless skin. Eventually after what felt like an entirety, her eyes narrowed, she got a vertical wrinkle between her eyebrows. Her lips pursed slightly out of confusing. We studied eachothers faces a little second to long drawing a crowd. My hands were gripped around her waist as she was on a bit of an angle- feet still on the floor. I leaned over her slightly. Mostly likely looking as if I was to lean in and kiss her after I gracefully swung her around and bowed her down. Watching the bystanders from the edge of my vision I slowly let her go. She stood up and brushed herself off hiding the slight pink of her cheeks. Everyone who gathered around soon separated besides Ned. Who awkwardly stood behind me his jaw gapping open.

I rubbed the back of my neck looking down near her Nike sneakers pushing my lips together nervously. We stole a few glances from eachother in the short few seconds she stood there. Soon after she smiled sweetly which unknowingly made my eyes stare down at her plump lips. I watched as her tongue ran over her lips causing them to become moist and slightly red. Quickly flicking my eyes back up at those big eyes, all I could mange was a sort of half smile back at her. This was all too weird. No no no it wasn't weird it was just awkward. I've been to her apartment, seen her in her sleep wear with puffy crying eyes. Semi-flirted with her and she's hugged into my chest before but she doesn't know that. She doesn't even know my name. I don't even know her name.

"Umm", she let out one single nervously chuckle, licking her lips once again. "Uh thank you".

"Oh-h yeah. Don't m-mention it". I stumbled over my words still staring down at her. She gave a slight nod before turning around and continued her descent. I rolled my head back groaning at the awkward encounter. Facing Ned I brought my hand up to my chin, knitting my eyebrows together.

"What. Was. All. That about!" He exclaimed, eyes wide full of curiosity. I roughy grabbed his arm pulling him down the hall.

"She is the girl I told you about. The one I met as Spider-Man on the rooftop! The one who-"

"Who saved the other lady!" Ned finished my sentence like any best friend would.

"Yes her! S-She mentioned going to school soon but I didn't realise it was this one!"

"Isn't that a good thing? You said you thought she was cute". I hit Ned in the arm.

"Ned!" My voice squeaked. "It isn't actually, because even if she was being sarcastic she's on to Spider-Man about being a young. She called my Spider-'Boy'". I spat the word boy out harshly. "And joked about me needed some sleep since it was a school night". A unsatisfied Ned shot me a glare as the bell echoed through the hall where students once crowded in. I rolled my eyes pulling him into our classroom.
"This means you need to be extra careful with this whole keeping Spider-Man thing a secret. No one can know it's me".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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