His Soldier - Part 1 of Part 6

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One question kept rolling around in Regina's head. Why did Tamlin come searching for her?

In her eyes, she didn't think she was that special to the High Lord. Friends, sure. But, normally friends don't transform into beasts to try to find each other. So, why did Tamlin?

The motivation of the action was unknown to her. But, she was thankful for it because she got to kiss her long time crush. And, now, she was in his study with him. As Regina, not Liam.

It was Liam's day off, so she was able to roam around as Regina for the whole day.

That bothered her, though. That she had to be a man to be a guard, and not a woman. She's tried to bring it up multiple times, but she was always cut off on the end because someone needed to talk to their High Lord.

Then it hit her. Why not talk about it now? With that thought, Regina sat up straight, demanding Tamlin's attention to be turned to her.

He looked at her sudden movement, and inquired, "Is there something you need, Regina?"

"Yes," she began. This was serious business, talking to a High Lord about how he ran his court. "I would like to know why women aren't allowed in the Spring Court army."

"Well, I never really thought on that. That's how it's been since the first High Lord of the Spring Court ruled, and maybe even before that. Why do you want to know?"

"Doesn't it seem a little unfair that women can't help protect our Court while mean can?"

"I mean, I suppose. But, what do you want me to do about it?" Tamlin asks, . Cauldron boil her, she hated that, and he knew that. It was one of the few things she couldn't do.

He was teasing her. It wasn't his fault she was cute when she was angry.

"I want you to–Cauldron, would you stop that!" she yelled, steam seeming to come out of her ears. Regina was short-tempered, to put it mildly.

"Stop what, Regina, lo–" he cut himself off. "Stop what, Regina?"

Standing, Regina walked over to him, aiming to grab the pen. He quickly moved his hand away from her, which almost caused her to fall in his lap. Unfortunately, for him, she caught herself.

"Tamlin, stop doing that thing with the pen. You know I don't like it."

Deciding to tease her more, Tamlin started spinning the pen around his fingers again. "You mean this?"

"Yes, I mean that! Now stop it!"

"But it's so entertaining to watch you get mad over it."

As he spoke, Regina formulated a plan. Leaning down towards Tamlin, Regina held his other hand, which was on the arm rest. "Oh, Tamlin~."

His reaction was priceless, with his face heating up to match a rose's red petals. "Y-Yeah, Regina?"

Bringing her face closer to his, she stopped just inches away from his lips. His hand set the pen down, and then went to grab her waist. That failed, however, when Regina grabbed the pen and slipped away from him.

"Thank you~!" Regina said innocently. Then her mood changed back to seriousness. "Now that we're not distracted anymore, I want you to change how the army is run."

"How so?" he asked. Tamlin was still beet red, which caused Regina to smile.

"I want women to be allowed in the army."

Tamlin laughed, laughed, at that. If he saw the look on Regina's face in that moment, he would have died. Right there and then.

"What's so funny about it? Is my wanting to show my real self instead of Liam funny to you?"

His SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now