Harry: Tease him. When he needs you he needs you right then and there and you tease him but end up leaving him turned on.
Niall: Tickle him. He hates being tickled because he laughs too hard and it hurts his stomach and sides but you do it anyways ;)
Louis: Wear hideous clothes. He knows you have a good sense of fashion but he can't help but scoff when he see's you wearing your hair in a messy bun yoga pants and some rainbow converse for your coffee date. he makes you go change because he's not going out with someone dressed like a "peasant" he says.
Liam: Criticize toy story. He loves the movie and obviously defends it when you criticize it. He ends up taking the movie out of the dvd player and turning it to something you want because he won't want to hear it anymore.
Zayn: Mess with his hair. He like his hair perfect and doesn't like it touched. You have explained to him many times that you've touched it in bed so what's the difference and he replies