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"It's getting closer." Salina said. "What are we suppose to do? What if it's the police? Or teens sneaking away from a party before the cops arrive!?"

Elizabeth stands up and walks closer to it. "It's a rabbit you fools!"

"Ha! We were terrified of a rabbit!" Harry laughed.

"Well better safe than sorry!" Niall said.

"Oh thank goodness to wasn't the cops!" Salina said.

"I know right! I'd be dead now!" Niall said.

They started walking again toward the water dock. They saw the water a little ways away. They walked out of the woods and onto the sand. Olivia, Niall, Salina, Liam, and Zayn walked to their boat right next to Elizabeth, Harry, Louis, And Sarina's boat. Team one and team two.

"See you soon!" Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth blew kisses to team one.

"I'll miss you, Elizabeth!" Olivia said.

"I'll miss you too, sis! Good luck!" Elizabeth smiles.

Both teams wave goodbye as they step on the wood boards to enter the boats. These boats are speed boats like they use for fishing. They get in the boat and sit down. Niall starts team one's boat and Harry starts the other. They start and speed away!

--team 2--

Harry pulls out a map. "Okay this is where we are landing. We should see them right here in the middle."

"We'll be there in a couple hours." Elizabeth states.

"Elizabeth looked over to see if anyone was paying attention. They weren't. Harry and Elizabeth rolled their eyes. Sarina and Louis were making out.

"We'll I guess we're watching." Harry laughed.

"I guess so." Elizabeth answered back kinda irritated.

"Is something wrong with that?!" Harry asked.

"Nope, Its just kinda madding that they just do their thing without giving us a heads up."

"It is but just go with it. Calm down and go with it." Harry said chilling.

"Whatever you say, Harry." Elizabeth said sitting down next to Harry.

--team 1--

"Blah blah blah blah blah" everyone was talking at once.

"Okay everyone let's clear things up!" Olivia said waving her arms around.

Everyone looked at Olivia.

"We will be stopping here in a couple hours. We'll be their at around 12:30." Olivia said.

"Okay so two hours." Zayn asked.

"Yes two hours." Olivia said.

Niall sat down and put his hands over his head. He closed his eyes.

"Yeah you get some rest I'm sure your tired." Olivia said looking at Niall.

Niall patted the seat next to him signaling her to sit by him. Olivia smiled.

"Someone needs to watch-out." Olivia said.

"I'll watch!" Zayn said raising his hand.

Olivia looked at Zayn and smiled. She walked over next to Niall and sat down.

"It's a beautiful night." Niall said looking up at the stars.

"Yeah it is." Olivia said looking at Niall smiling.

Niall looked at Olivia and smiled back. They both looked up at the sky at the same time. Niall closed his eyes and slouched down a little bit. Olivia closed her eyes still sitting up. Her head was falling down. She finally fell asleep and her head feel on Niall's shoulder. Niall opened his eyes one at a time and looked at Olivia confused. He just realized she feel asleep not on purpose. He smiled and closed his eyes again.

--team 2--

"We're getting close!" Elizabeth said.

"Yeah! Finally!" Harry said.

Elizabeth and Harry looked over at Louis and Sarina and saw they were still making out on the end of the boat.

"Wow....." Elizabeth said.

"I know!" Harry said. "If they had there own boat it would be parked in the middle of the ocean cause they'd be to busy to move it."

Elizabeth laughed. "I know, right! I wonder if their gonna even do anything to help."

"Who knows..... We save the celebration for last!" Harry said giggling.

Elizabeth looked at Harry and smiled. "Yeah, we wanna be useful to others, and plus their needs to be a driver."

"Ha!" Harry laughed.

"I wonder if the others are struggling with Niall." Elizabeth said.

"I don't know. He seems like a nice guy from what I know." Harry stated.

Elizabeth grabbed the walkie-talkie from Harry's pocket.

"Beep" The walkie-talkie said.

"Hey guys! How is everything?" Elizabeth asked.

"Good! Were about there!" Zayn said.

"Us too!" Harry shouted. "But as you know we'll be on the other side."

"Yep!" Elizabeth said. "How's Niall?!"

"He's good!" Zayn answered.

"What's he doing?" Harry asked.

"Right now he's sleeping and I'm driving."

"What about Salina, Olivia, and Liam?!" Elizabeth questioned.

"Salina and Liam are looking at the stars together and Olivia feel asleep on Niall's shoulder." Zayn said.

"Oh....." Elizabeth said.

"Yep! So what about you guys?!" Zayn asked.

"Harry and I are managing the boat and Sarina and Louis are making out." Elizabeth said.

"Ew..... But cool!" Zayn said.

"Yep, well I'm gonna go for now. Just wanted to see how things were going." Elizabeth said.

"Okay good luck and good bye! Zayn out!" Zayn said.

Elizabeth put the walkie-talkie on the seat by Harry.

"So everything was fine I hear." Harry said.

"Yes. That's good!" Elizabeth said looking at the island about a mile away.

"Yeah. I'm glad." Harry stood up and put his hands on Elizabeth's waist.

Elizabeth out her hands on his hands. He pulls her closer to him and wraps his arms around her. They start rocking back and forth. They closed their eyes and kept rocking back and forth.

--team 1--

"Guys!"Zayn whispered loudly.

Olivia woke up and Niall looked at her. She smiled at Niall and looked at Zayn.

"We're here!" Zayn whispered.

--team 2--

"Elizabeth. We're here." Harry whispered in her ear.

Horan's Runaway (Niall Horan) A.U.Where stories live. Discover now