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Poppy felt sadness wash over her as she packed her things into her little suitcase. She sighed as she folded her last sundress and laid it on top of her other fastidiously folded garments.

Even though she had only stayed in the apartment for less than a week, she had grown quite fond of the soft carpeted floor and creamy walls. The smell was something to be complained about however, and the nosy neighbour in the apartment next door clearly agreed. It wouldn't be much longer before the lady would complain to a higher authority, the landlord. That would just be a whole lot of trouble Poppy didn't want to be involved in.

She zipped it up and put it by the door, waving to the man who let her stay in his home. Alan's home didn't have any pictures with family so she assumed he didn't have any. A fun game of Poppy's was to make up the life of everyone she met because she never stayed around people long enough to learn about it.

According to her, Alan was the youngest in his large family. He didn't get into university or become a lawyer, despite everyone thinking he would be. He was disowned by his wealthy family and left to fend for himself so he works day and night as a taxi driver to pay for his rent. Alan believed in love and romance so he had dated many girls believing they were the one. Only, none of them turned out to be the special someone he was looking for so he turns to the secret romance books, hidden in his sock drawer, for the love he knew existed.

But of course, that was just speculation.

Poppy giggled at her thoughts and went to fetch Lucy - the name short for Lucifer. Her blue puppy waited patiently beside Alan, looking at her with his one big beady eye. The left one had fallen off while the fluff on the inside was clumpy and not as puffy as it once was.

However, she loved her cuddly puppy and would never think to give it up. She frowned when she noticed Alan's arm inching towards Lucy, until it fell off and squashed the dog.

She gasped and rushed to the animal, freeing him from the clutches of Alan. "Oh. H-how dare you! Naughty Alan! No touching Lucy. You'll get him dirty." She grabbed the fallen arm and threw it across the room. "Go fetch Lucy!"

The dog stared at her and didn't move. She frowned but then smiled at her clever puppy. "You're right! We need to leave. We've no time for games." Lucy got a pat on the head.

Poppy walked carefully to the door, avoiding the littered floor. She wasn't the cleanest roommate but Alan wasn't going to complain about it. If it really bothered him, he'd clean it himself.

"Goodbye Alan! Do take care of yourself." She said cheerfully, blowing a kiss to him.

She took one last look at the apartment she had called a home for five days. The man smiled at her widely, permanently craved on his face with the knife he used to cut sandwiches. The blood splatters on the walls were a lovely contrast and the limbs lay unmoving on the ground, a terrible safety hazard for Poppy who tended to be a little clumsy.

Once she closed the door, another beside her opened, revealing a woman, probably in her fifties, wearing an impressive full face of makeup with an outfit she was sure featured in Pretty Woman. "Oh hello. I didn't know Alan had a guest. Are you his daughter or something? Are you leaving?" She said, eying Lucy that was tucked under Poppy's arm and the pristine ladybug suitcase by her side. The lady was the neighbour that kept yelling through the door. Poppy recognised the voice and the pure nosiness.

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