chapter four, "kübler-ross model"

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Nobody would have thought what type of pain they were all feeling, from the loss of a close friend or a close friendship that could have been. She may not have been as close as the others may have been but his death effected her just the same. The other group who caused the uproar that day felt nothing toward the boy, they didn't even care for what had happened. Not even Jeff who didn't even need to start it in the first place when he threw that first punch, all he really did was walk away from the scene when Brock had gotten stabbed and didn't even bother to help.

The nine of what was left in Evan's group couldn't do anything but think about Brock and how he always made jokes about little things followed by a low chuckle, how he always knew what to say. But this is what they had to deal with now, this was the new world they were living in and they had to suffer through it. Loss wasn't new for them and they all knew that, but it still hurt them whenever they thought about him. Especially the one who was hurt the most about what had happened to Brock, and that was Evan.

He thought he could've saved Brock and he kept wishing that he didn't fight Jeff that day, but he couldn't of known what would've happened then. Everyone would tell him to stop blaming himself, even though they would turn around and blame their selves too for fighting and not doing better. The group was to the point where they wouldn't even talk to each other or go on runs, they would sit in different rooms of the cabin they had recently found in a state of grief and think about the different outcomes that could have happened but didn't.

Evan would leave the cabin in that case, going on walks and sometimes wouldn't return for hours but usually came back with a puffy face that he tried to hide from them but failed. Nobody knew where he went but they assumed it was best if they didn't. They all felt sorry for Evan, knowing how he blamed himself the most out of all of them especially whenever he seen his friends faces and knew that they were thinking about him too.

Now was one of those times he would be reminded of Brock as he had walked into the living room of the large cabin, looking at his friends who were either looking at the ground with grim written on their face or was staring into time and space with broken looks on their face along with the Creepypastas who were sitting perfectly fine as they conversed quietly amongst themselves. Evan sighed, looking away painfully at his hands before clearing his throat loudly which had caught everyone in the rooms attention.

"It has come to my attention that we are running low on supplies," he began as his eyes trailed off to the window, seeing that there was a slight drizzle. "and a group of us will be going on a quick supply run in maybe 20 or 30 minutes to gather what they need. Not too far from here west is a convenience store that looked like it hasn't been raided yet." he continued as the group exchanged a few dreadful glances among each other before their eyes went back to Evan. "Is anyone willing to go on this run?"

The room was silent for a few brief minutes before (Y/n) smacked her lips dryly, raising her hand up with slow movement as she replied, "I guess I will." and then Liu held his hand up silently followed by Craig, Jane, and Jack. Evan nodded at the few who raised their hands as he crossed his arms, "(Y/n) is the leader and she will be grabbing beverages such as water and energy drinks, Liu is the lookout, Craig will be carrying the most of whatever you grab, Jane has canned foods and whatever food related, and Jack will be getting medical shit like bandages and alcohol. Does everyone agree with this arrangement?" Evan asked the five.

The small group of 5 all nodded in agreement before immediately getting up from their spots and walking to their separate rooms to get ready without needing to be told, well Jane and (Y/n) actually shared a room considering they were the only females in the two groups so they went together, getting the necessary equipment that they would have needed for their run such as weapons and backpacks or duffel bags- mainly just whatever could carry a lot of items in one trip.

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