Chapter 2 - Meeting the King

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[That Evening]

She wasn't what I was expecting.

I folded my laundry and put it in the drawer, rubbing my thumbs over the collar.

"All this is a dream, right?" she had asked, gripping onto the collar for my shirt. "You and my dad are just playing with me. I hit my head after slipping in the bathtub. I've sucked down too much laughing gas at the dentist's office. Any of these. Pick one."

Women rarely came to Jin's castle. We understood why, and we all wanted to protect Jin as much as he wanted to protect himself. Of course, on some level, it was silly to me. I had grown up in a warm, loving home, and couldn't imagine banning women from it. But my experience was nothing like Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook. It was out of line for a servant such as myself to explain the comfort of a woman in the home.

This place could have used more warmth. It was supposed to be a royal kingdom, not a college dorm room. Half the time, I felt like I was cleaning up after children.

Despite this, I found myself smiling.

Y/N was a mold of her own. Nothing tainted by the mindset of royal duties. She was free to think, react, and say whatever came to her mind. I envied her. I couldn't remember the last time I was able to be that free.

I hid my laughter behind my hand, recalling her slamming her foot into the wall when the buzzer behind the door went off. Most girls – if they were anything like my mother or sister – would have screamed and ran. But Y/N? She attacked. Full force. Startled, but ready to win.

Who was she, really?

A knock sounded at the door. The only ones that called on me this late was one of the princes.

Or the King himself.

Jin was twisting his hands when I opened the door.

"Your Majesty? Are you all right?"

I asked as calmly as I could, even though this was the fourth time this week he had come to me with a panic attack.

He looked over his shoulder. "Can I speak with you?"

I nodded and allowed him entrance. He sat in the chair next to the door, his hands still wringing.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." he said.

"Because of her?"

He stared at the floor.

"Sir, she's a guest in your home, but you're the master of the castle. If there's any foul play on her part, we can have her removed."

He seemed to relax at this. His shoulders dropped and he nodded.

"And might I add," I said, "she doesn't seem like the type to go up against you. She's too honest. You could see right through her if you really wanted."

"You think so?"

I nodded.

He huffed. "Stop smiling about it, Taehyung. It makes me uneasy."

I drew my lips back. "There's no reason to be uneasy, Your Majesty."

"Keep a close eye on her," he said. "If she seems at all dangerous – if there's anything alarming about her. Please tell me."

I nodded. "Of course."

Something in my chest ached when I said it.

With a final thank you and goodnight, Jin left to his room. I leaned back against the door.

He's so paranoid. He'll stay alone forever if he keeps acting like this.

My hands rubbed against my collar, where she had grabbed hold of me in shock.

I don't know why, but I wasn't ready for her to leave us yet. 

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