Prison Visit {Spencer Reid}

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(GIF credit to ToyBoxBoy on tumblr)

You cracked your knuckles and picked at the remaining nail polish on your fingers for what seemed like an eternity, waiting anxiously for Spencer.

Today was the first time you were able to visit him since he had been incarcerated and you were nervous as could be. Penelope had tearfully told you that when she visited him the prior week he was in bad shape and given that Spencer was your fiancé you were all the more worried.

Finally came the moment that you were both dreading yet looking forward to. The doors to the visitation area opened and the inmates filed in in an orderly manner. You locked eyes with a set of eager ones, as Spencer quickly walked towards you.

You gasped when you saw his face, it was bruised and sullen, "Spence..." You whispered as he stood in front of you. You reached out to brush your hand across his face as you'd done so many times but a guard quickly stopped you.

"No touching." He said firmly causing a few inmates to look at you.

Several catcalls and sexual comments were made in your direction which made Spencer look around angrily, "Spencer don't listen to them." You said coaxing him to sit down.

"I don't want them looking at you like that." Was all he said in response as he pulled out the chair and sat down.

"I know, but if this is the price I have to pay to see you then so be it." You reply meeting his eyes.

He simply nodded.

"Baby, your face..." you said just above a whisper. Spencer looked down with an embarrassed look on his face. You instantly regretted saying anything, you didn't mean to draw attention to the fact that he had been beaten up, you just couldn't help but worry about his state.

He simply nodded, it was undoubtedly hard for him to have you see him in his current state. His hair was a mess and his eyes showed pure exhaustion coupled with his bruised check bones, he looked a mess. However he was still the most handsome man in the world to you.

"Spence... you're still the most handsome man in the world to me you know, and I kind of like the facial hair look." You smiled.

"Thank you." Spencer smiled softly, meeting your gaze once again.

The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, both slightly unsure of what to say. Your eyes raked over the bruises and cuts on his face. Your heart ached at the thought of his beautiful face being beaten, at the thought of such a kind hearted man being intentionally hurt by others.

"I miss you," was all you could squeak out.

Spencer frowned and sighed deeply at your wavering voice, his sad eyes meeting yours, "Please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry." He whispered.

"I miss you so much I can't help it. I miss you when I wake up in the morning and you're not sitting next to me with your nose in a book. I miss you during the day when the team is working a case and you're not there to ramble off some random fact. I miss you at night when I get in bed and you're not there to to hold me."

You wiped your eyes and looked up at Spencer who was doing the same.

"I'm sorry," Spencer began but you cut him off.

"Don't apologize Spence. None of this is you fault I just... I want my fiance back."

"I know love, trust me I miss you more than you could ever imagine." He replied.

"Visitation hours are now over, inmates line up!" An officer shouted all too soon.

Spencer began to stand and haf to begin walking away as the sea of large inmates was shuffling him away.

"We're gonna get you out of here Spencer okay? I promise." You shouted as chatter between inmates rose.

Spencer nodded, "I love you." and with that he was pushed out of sight by the much larger men behind him, and you were left alone.

"I love you too, Spence..."


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