Full Circle

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Cover by biggie321hp, Thanks!!



I held her hand as she screamed from the pain of birth. I told her everything was alright; I helped her through the process. She cursed me, and blamed me, but I saw the joy in her eyes as she waited to lay eyes on her son. The doctor did not look happy, but I ignored it and kept my attention on my lovely wife. Though she was sweaty and looked a mess, she was the most beautiful woman on earth.

"Just one more push!" I exclaimed.

            She pushed and we heard the babies cry. The doctor gave the baby to me and he looked concerned as he called over more of the doctors. Looking at my wife I saw life being drawn out of her as our baby became full of life.

"What is wrong?" I screamed.

"Too much blood…she is losing too much, she is dying," the family doctor said as he took the baby.

            Tears fell as I stayed at my wife's side. Tears fell from her face, and I took her hand, telling her everything would be okay. The nurse came in and took the baby away. The doctors started to clean up the mess while the family doctor started to do something. I sat beside her as I watched life drain out of her. In a rage I demanded everyone leave, the family doctor tried to tell me he could save her, but I could already see that was impossible. I forced them all out and locked the doors. That night I sobbed and let no one in the room to see her. I prayed to the gods to save her, I did, I prayed and promised offerings, but she died that night.

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