(1) Get a Life!

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Chapter 1: Get a Life!

I sat on my bed, typing away at my laptop's keyboard. It had been a week since Ari left for that interview thing in New York. I know I should be patient and happy for her, but I really missed her, and hadn't heard from her in almost a whole week. She called me the day she got there to let me know she had arrived safely but that was it. Yes I had seen the interview and the fact that she got to meet all of One Direction! MY favorite band! Not hers! MINE! Grrr...

Ari had acted like they were nothing, while I sat at home screaming into a pillow for her. How could she not call me!!! Oh that's right. No phone. All because of her parents.

Her parents were those kind of people you wanted to shoot because of their cold, heartless, shitty behavior. I had been Ari's best friend for 6 years and had seen the abuse. She moved in next door when we were 10. It took two years to get her to trust me. Two damn years, because she had no hope. No dreams. No life.

When I met her, she had bruises all up her arms, which she tried to cover with long sleeved shirts. She had a red looking face that looked raw from being slapped. Her eyes were glued to the ground and she never spoke. Not once. That's why I decided to change that.

I began by simply talking to her in the halls, or if I could, sitting by her at lunch in the back. She didn't let me in at first. In fact, she completely ignored me the first few months. But I was determined, and I knew it wasn't because she didn't like me. It was because she didn't like the world. And why should she?

Eventually, she began to talk back, and when she did let me in, we became inseparable. Ari never felt too comfortable in a crowd, but I forced her to be social and she caught on quickly. Her parents still beat her, and we tried to report them, but the city had, and I quote, 'more important matters to deal with'. I have forever hated that town, but somehow I still manage to visit my parents once in a while. This college apartment we stay in during the school week, had become more of a home than anything else. Ari lived with me in our simple dorm, and we had multiple classes together.

During breaks, we would go visit our family. I say family in singular form, because Ari doesn't really have one of her own. She was a part of mine. And as much as I love my parents, it was still nice living away. This place was honestly a safe haven compared to the abuse and lack of justice we have in our hometown.

'Damn, this apartment is empty without her,' I thought, still typing up an email to Ari. This was the one way we could communicate, but even emails have failed since she left. I wonder what is so wonderful that she can't take two seconds to send me an email. I mean really? Is it that hard?!

Just as I was thinking all these harsh things about how abandoned I felt, and how cruel it was for her to leave me...

"Answer you're phone, you're annoying everybody now, pick up the phone, pick up the f-pick up the f-Pick it up! Get-get it!!" Liam Payne's ringtone played in my pocket. I pulled my iPhone out and answered without checking the ID, because I was annoyed as hell. But I put on my happy voice I use when answering the phone.


"Hey babz it's Ari," I heard a familiar voice say.

"Hey chicka!" I answered excitedly. I finally get to talk to her!!!

"Hey! Oh my gosh face time me kk? I HAVE to show you the apartment!" Ari replied, before she.... HUNG UP?!?

I immediately FaceTimed the unrecognizable number and waited impatiently for her to pick up. When she did, I made sure she regretted hanging up on me.

"What the hell was that for?!?" I shouted into the mic, making Ari giggle.

"You know you love me," she reminded me, before suddenly looking a bit worried. "Oh hey, Tash, could you hold on for a sec?"

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