(2) I'm Here!!! Now What?

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A/N Inspiration for this chapter:

Here With You


Allstar Weekend

Music Video WILL SOON be off to the side. Watch it after you read and you'll understand why.

Also, if you truly want to understand this book, go read 'Dare to Dream'. Some stuff I don't explain much in 'Lucky Voice' so it will be explained in 'Dare to Dream'. For example, in Ari's book, stuff happens during the week before my (Tasha's) flight out. In my book, I skip to the flight. So if you wanna know about all the crazy shit Ari and the boys have been up to, go read 'Dare to Dream' NOW!!! haha ;D

Now, I know you all don't want to read me rambling on so...

Without further ado... I give you Chapter 2

(haha that rhymed)

Enjoy ;)


Chapter 2: I'm here! Now what?

The light outside my window began to fade and I knew that it was about 7 p.m. My flight leaves at 10 and it's a 2 hour drive to the airport, so I should be fine. But I wanted to leave soon to make sure. I finished packing the last few items on my list: my pillow, my blankie (Yes blankie. DON'T JUDGE), and my favorite poster. Standing up on my bed, I peeled it off the putty gently. Then I carefully folded my 24" by 17" picture of Liam Payne. My Obsession.

I remembered the day I got it signed. He was sitting at the end of table with a plaid shirt and sexy skinny jeans that hung low, but not too low. Perfect as usual! It took a few hours to reach him, but it was so worth it! Liam grinned a heart-melting smile and grabbed my hand kissing it. He probably did this to a lot of fans but it still meant so much!

When I got home, I immediately hung it up above my bed. And I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I kissed it every night before I went to bed, staring up at his face. 'It's only a poster,' my mom would say. 'It's an inanimate object!' But I didn't really feel like that. To me, that poster was a piece of THE Liam Payne, that I could keep with me. My mom worried about how obsessed I'd become, but eventually stopped trying to take him away.

After a while, my obsession died down, but I still love that poster. You can only imagine what I felt when I saw the real Liam, again, over the FaceTime with Ari. But of course, he would never remember me. After all, to him, I'd be just another one of the billions of typical fans. I mentally shoved the thought away.

Now, Harry is extremely hot, but he's a natural flirt. I'd never know what to expect with him. I mean his husky voice would make any female in her right mind melt. So Harry could, essentially, get any girl he wanted. I think about that and it makes me feel like just some random face. Nothing special.

I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I don't know if I could trust him if he ever said he liked me. His eyes seemed to suck you into a trance so you'd never know if he lied. It's stunning actually, but kinda nerve-wracking. I feel like he can read my mind with his smirk on. Yet something about him is absolutely irresistible! I sincerely WANT him!

Zayn just makes me uncomfortable. He's quiet but he honestly seems too quiet. It's almost like he's hiding something. Let's just say the Bradford Bad Boi scares me.

Niall is too... baby cute.... to be 'hott'. He's more like a brother or best guy friend. I see him as a cute guy that laughs at everything and makes you smile when you're down. But not really my type.

Louis, however, was the sexiest man on the planet, and had recently become SiNgLe!¡!¡! I'm not a hater, and I absolutely love Elinore. It's just that Louis didn't seem to be the happiest he could be anymore. And this is Louis we're talking about. Spastic, crazy, spunky Louis.

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