(4) My Turn... Mwahaha!

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A/N Yes I know the last chapter and this one seem split funny, but it was 11 pages on word so I decided to cut it in half and make 2 chapters :) So this is basically chapter 3 continued...



Chapter 4

After giving Ari her towel and outfit, she got ready. When she finally emerged from the steamy bathroom.... well, let's just say..... the boys got what was coming to them. Haha! Little did Ari know, she smelled strongly of Niall.

They were currently in the living room talking about who knows what. So I took this chance to get ready. I was nearly ready- ok not really... at all- when Ari came in and helped me finish my outfit. I'll admit it. She was practically my stylist. If it weren't for her, I'd have no idea what to wear.

When I entered the living room, I was greeted by four-fifths of One Direction. Zayn was suspiciously missing... Again. Hmmmm....

"Where we going first?" Ari said, bringing me back to the other four. A look of confusion crossed Liam's face when he smelled Ari enter the room, but he didn't say anything. Harry patted the seat next to him, so I joined willingly.

"Well I think we should 'welcome' Tasha now," Louis said with an evil grin. Great. He's an evil ninja.

"Oh crap!" I muttered, "Should I be scared?"

"Probably," Ari said, not comforting me at all.

"Where are we taking her then?" She said, this time looking at the boys.

"Well there is this amazing place in town called Lucky Voice," Liam marveled.

"Nope can't go there," Niall said simply.

"Why not? I love that place!" Louis whined.

"Because we have other plans," Harry spoke up, making me jump a little. What! I'm easily startled!

"Uh-oh! This is not going to end well," Ari said worriedly.

"No it's not!" The boys grinned. Oh God. Gotta love these boys!

We made it out to the car without any signs of fans. Now that I think about it, there were never fans too close to the apartments. Weird. Good! But not what I expected.

Louis parked in the mall parking lot, and turned around to see my shocked face.

"Never been to a mall before or something?" He asked, amused.

"No! But I didn't bring any extra money for this!" I worried out loud. Great. Now I sound poor.

"That's why we're paying, love," Liam said with a genuine smile. He always loved fans and was so involved. But I'm not just another fan. And I sure as hell am not a charity case!

"Look, I have about fifty dollars so I can get something! So you guys don't need to buy anything for me. Understand?" I said eyeing them all seriously. They all nodded but I don't think it was a guarantee. Ari just laughed at my attempts.

Entering the giant mall, we all picked a partner and split up to go shopping. It was quite difficult to stay secret, but the boys were really quick and efficient. Probably had to be. I, however, wasn't....

Harry kept handing me adorable outfits that I HAD to try on. I wanted almost all of them! I'm not a huge fan of shopping but I am in friggin' New York! Not to mention the whole living with One Direction thingy!

"Hey you almost done Tasha?" Harry asked coming to stand by the dressing stalls. I opened the door walking out in my regular clothes and handed him the pile of dresses I'd tried on. In return, he gave me a few more hangers to try.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2012 ⏰

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