no gas [ryan blaney]

3.6K 33 26

word count: 1552
requested by: ryanblaneys (who is absolutely amazing, check out her imagines)
summary: Ryan's girlfriend, Amy, comforts him by taking him on an adventure after a disappointing race
warnings: n/a
date published: August 7, 2017 / 12:13 am


"Ryan, buddy, you're gonna have to come down." Jeremy spoke into the radio. Ryan grumbled. "No! I can save more. We can make it!" I sighed, knowing this would be a hard defeat for him. "Ryan, we're out of time." I heard Josh, his spotter, say. "Guys, come on! We have to try!"

Jeremy looked back at me and I nodded. I walked over and took the radio into my hands. "Ryan, you and I both know you need to come down and get fuel. Don't throw away your championship but blowing this race." I heard him sigh which meant he realized I was right. Jeremy thanked me quietly so Ryan didn't hear.

Below me I saw the pit crew hustling to get together and give Ryan a good pit stop so he didn't lose more spots than necessary. My heart yearned to give him a big hug as I saw him roll down pit lane slowly. The other cars rushed by him on the other side of pit wall. His car was filled with fuel and off he went.

I readjusted my scanner headphones and grabbed my water bottle, taking a swig quickly. "Do I even want to know how far I fell back?" Ryan's voice filled my ears. My heart slowly shattered at the defeat that laced his voice. All I wanted to jump down from the pit box and jump into his arms to comfort him.

I can only imagine what it feels like to be so close to something so meaningful and then have it ripped from your hands. Of course we all knew in the back of our minds that he wouldn't make it, but it's a whole different ball game to give up the lead and let so many cars pass you.

I know he really wanted to get me to victory lane for my birthday but he has to understand that he'll have so many more chances in the upcoming years. "Tell Amy I'm sorry." His voice filled my ears. Jeremy turned around and looked at me with a sigh.

A small smile was all I could give him, hoping that Ryan's negative vibe wouldn't rub off onto the crew. Jeremy held his radio out to me and I grabbed it, speaking into it. "We got this team 21, let's not give up on this season. This is one race out of thirty-six. We've already made one trip to Victory Lane this year and I know we'll get there sometime soon. Keep your heads up everybody because we made a smart decision and didn't give up our championship points." Jeremy gave me a thumbs up and took his radio back.

Ryan sighed and responded, "10-4. Sorry I couldn't get you into Victory Lane. Next week." I nodded and smiled. I sat back down in my seat and sighed. Although he was going to act like he was fine I knew the championship pressure was starting to get it to him.

I pulled out my phone and texted his sister, Erin. 'Any idea how to cheer up a stressed and disappointed YRB?' I typed out quickly. She responded quickly. 'Any mini golf nearby? He loves that & some good ice cream. Just like a girl (;' I let out a laugh and responded. 'Oh I already know about his girliness'

I smiled to myself and looked up local mini golf places. Turns out there's one right down the road from the track. The idea continued to flower in my mind when I saw that there was an ice cream parlor right next to it. Before I knew it the checkered flag waved and the drivers lined up on pit lane for inspection.

I was happy for martin tried Jr. because he's gone through so much and worked so hard to get where he was. "Good run boys." Ryan spoke. "10-4 buddy. Proud of ya today." Jeremy replied warily. Everybody left their radios and headphones up in the pit box and climbed down.

I sat on the pit wall waiting patiently for Ryan to climb out of his car and finish his interviews. I could tell by the tone in his voice that he was upset. He couldn't even look the interviewer in the eyes.

He finished up his media obligations and walked over to me. The sadness was evident in his eyes and I could tell he just needed a hug. "Come here baby," I mumbled and wrapped my arms around him trying to protect him from the world.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and we rocked back and forth slowly. "Let's go and change. We're gonna go on a little adventure." He pulled away. "Oh yeah?" I nodded and smiled. He kissed my cheek softly and grabbed my hand. We walked to the motorhome and Ryan took a quick shower before changing into jeans and a Star Wars shirt. I changed into black Nike shorts and a Bill Elliott shirt that Chase had given to me as a joke for an early birthday present.

"So where exactly are we going?" Ryan asked as we climbed into the Uber I ordered. "The mini golf place down the street please." I said to the driver. He nodded and took off. I turned to Ryan and saw this his whole face seemed to light up. "Thank you baby." He whispered softly and held my face in his hands while he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I know you need a bit of an escape and Erin suggested mini golf and ice cream." His smile never faltered.

The driver dropped us off and I handed him a $10 bill. He thanked me and drove off. "9 holes or 18?" I asked as we walked up to the counter. "As much as I want to spent all night here with you, let's only do 9 so I can go home and cuddle with you." I blushed and bit my lip, nodding. "Sounds good to me."

Ryan wanted to pay for our holes but I insisted on paying because it was my treat to him. He gave me a long kiss on the lips in return. We began playing and Ryan instantly excelled. "Ya know I think you should've pursued golf instead of racing!" I teased. He made a pouting face. "But would you really wanna come to all my golf events? And sweat in the heat?" I scrunched up my face in disgust causing Ryan to laugh.

"Come to think of it, we wouldn't have even met if you became a golfer so good thing you followed in the Blaney footsteps." He nodded and watched his third hole-in-one sink into the ground. "I couldn't imagine my life without you." He mumbled softly and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." He smiled and tightened his grip around me. "I love you too." I giggled and escaped his evil wrath so I could take my shot.

He laughed when I missed the hole by a few feet. "Shut up!" I whined. He shot me a grin and encouraged me to keep going until I made it. The rest of the night went similarly. Ryan ended up winning by over 30 points. He gave up counting to make me feel better. He thought I didn't notice but nothing gets by The Amazing Amy.

"Ready for some ice cream bud?" I asked after we returned our golfing materials. He nodded excitedly and the sparkle from earlier returned to his eye. "Good because I'm starving." I whined. He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Did mini golfing make you hungry? Poor baby." He teased.

I scoffed and let go of his hand that I was holding. I walked away from him quickly, ignoring his protests. Before I knew what was happening Ryan had run up to me and wrapped his arms around me, picking me. I giggled and kissed him passionately. He set me down on my feet so he could use his hands. His hands went on my neck and his thumb stroked my cheek lightly. I pulled away breathless and sighed onto his lips. "That never gets tiring." He nodded, agreeing.

"But come on! The ice creams melting!" Ryan yelled and dragged me to the ice cream place. We both ordered caramel ice cream with chocolate sauce and strawberries.

"Twinning!" I laughed as we sat down at the tables outside. He smiled and rolled his eyes. We began to eat our ice cream in silence, enjoying each other's company. "So I just wanted to thank you for taking it into your hands and trying to distract me from all the stress in my life. You do a great job, just as you always do. I can- why are you laughing?" I continued giggling and pointed at his nose. "You have ice cream on your nose!" He made a pouting face and wiped it off with a napkin.

"That's why you had to interrupt my cute speech? Geez." I couldn't stop giggling. "I'm sorry! But you know I'm always here for you!" He couldn't help but let out a smile. "I love you." He said and placed a kiss on my lips, softly. "I love you too." I mumbled back and rested my forehead against his.

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