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Wow, I'm really making a lot of Pokemon posts. Not surprising considering Pokemon is my top fandom and all.

This fakemon actually wasn't created by me but rather DsFreaks9900. Gallofreeze is an Ice-type horse Pokemon that appears in his Pokemon fic. He's a good friend, so I decided to make my own interpretation of what Gallofreeze might look like. Please note that this is not Gallofreeze's actual appearance but rather an interpretation of her born from having very limited information on what she actually looks like. At some point, I might do her evolutions as well.

 At some point, I might do her evolutions as well

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This is actually right side up for once. That's a surprise. I kinda based her off a pinto horse. Her mane and tail are icicles, and her hooves are coated in a thick layer of ice. The ice mane was really hard for some reason. Also, she looks a lot like Ponyta I'm noticing. Whoops.

Since this looks so different from what Gallofreeze actually looks like, I might just adapt this design to a completely different Pokemon. I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, I've decided to create my own region for all my fakemons and hybrids. It's gonna be based off of Australia, and it's called Austra because I'm way too lazy to come up with a better name. Also, when I looked up some native languages, I wasn't able to make any of the words sound like region names. At some point I'll create a Pokedex book with all of the info on my Pokemon.

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