wet socks

833 12 4

Sara p.o.v

I turn towards the blond laying next to me and lightly play with the loose tufs of his hair.

Poor bolt.

He's been through alot.
And I'll I've done is stood in his way, made things worse.
He sturs in his sleep and I move my hand back and return to my original position.
I can't help but hate the fact that I can't fight as good as him. I can't help but hate to admit that I hate him for being so... so him.
He's kind and yeah he has his set backs but he always finds a way. Always fights, always taunt ,always in stance, always ready. And when he broke down, I saw him in a new light. Saw that he wasn't just that boy who had a temper and could beat stuff up. Wasn't just the boy who rescued me or who was always being better than others.
He is a boy who is like any other tennager. Has the same problems as normal tennagers and possibly even more because of his genes.
I hear a snore next to me and I giggle.
Its around 6 A.M and the chatter of the village has grown louder and louder. Light taps on the roof of the house can be heard as they begin to increase in speed. The roars of grey skies can be heard.

It reminds me of the dream I had.
About a familiar man saying that everything was going to be okay.
It helped calm me in the moment of uncertainty with bolt.

He had a panic attack.

I've heard of them before for, mama sakura told me about them.
She said the last reported panic attack was by a ninja that has long been rouge, and the event  occurred a few months ago.
Once he wakes up I should take him to see mama so she can patch him up. And give him some herbs to help him relax a little.
I hear the dancing of the water on the roof and the sway of them as the wind decides to change the rhythm every so now and them. I then realized how relaxed I really am in this residence.
In this warm family environment.
I hear a knock on the door and walk towards it opening it.
Hinata uzumaki, Boruto's mom, is standing in the door way with her classic kind smile.
"Good morning sarada, i see you've slept well"
She then lays her eyes on her eldest son and her expression becomes softer than before.
"How is he holding up?"
She says in a sad whisper, barley audible to my ears.
"He's been getting better "
She raises an eyebrow expecting an explanation but that's all I know myself.
She makes a sound which sounds like all small sigh and speaks once more
"Thanks you for keeping an eye on him. I know it must be hard for u but thank you for babysitting boruto for me"
She then slowly begins to close the Door and lastly says
"Uh don't tell him I said that"
She leaves the smell of lavender and a silence even more serine than before.

Kay so im back like after a year. This was a draft i decided to publish because why not. Im probably not gonna update for s really long time. Sorry for letting yall down. See ya dudesm

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