♥ Chapter 3 ♥

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LONG TIME NO UPDATE, JUST ENJOY. I'm sorry for my inactivity, please blame meh school xD. Anyways, here's chapter 3? Yeah, chapter 3. Just read and enjoy. Sorry to keep ya all waitin'!

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After a hour full of work, I started to feel tired. I walked towards the couch, a soft sigh escaping my lips. I yawned and fell into darkness, slowly falling asleep without realizing.

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I woke up seeing an unfamiliar ceiling when realization hit me. I was about to leave the room but, when I opened the door, I saw the corporal standing outside. " Co-Corporal! " I saluted him and smiled. 

" Hm, I see your awake now, Petra. " Did he just sighed? " Anyways, I would like you to come at my office later. " He was about the enter his room when, " If you might ask, I carried you to my room because it was late at night. I know that you're not satisfied in my answer but, it's the truth. " He shut the door infront of me and who knows what he's doing inside.

[A/N: Hihi, late at night is not really the thing, heichou~ Bwahaha!]

I was about the walk away when I realized that, corporal was wearing a normal civilian clothes. Wow, seriously just wow. It fitted him perfectly alright. He looks much more intimi— I mean, what am I saying?! I walked towards my room and tried to get a shower, yeah shower, that's what I need. RIGHT NOW.

I shut the door closed and took my clothes off and headed into the showers.

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Once I'm done to everything, I quickly changed into a freshed uniform and another pair of boots and headed to the dining hall and there I saw Hanji, waiting for me.

" Hanji-san! " I quickly caught her attention and slide down at the other side of the table. " I'm sorry, I'm late! "

" No, it's fine and here I got your breakfast. " She pushed a tray towards me and I smiled.

" You and Levi.. Are getting along together! " She teased. " I saw him carrying you to his room. What's the meaning of that? " 

" Huh? Don't tell me you're putting a meaning to it, Hanji-san! He—He just carried me to his room because he can't wake me up and also because it's late at night. " I said defending myself!

" You're red. " Hanji teased. AGAIN.

" Hanji.. If you might not believe me, it's the truth. " I said munching on the bread.

" Nah, anyways, have you heard about the next expedition? " I looked up to her and shook my head. " What about it? " I asked.

" It will be held next month, gezz, another pain. " Wasn't it a little bit out of character Hanji?

" Hey, wouldn't you be excited and would be ranting 'I wonder what's, how's, and why's' right? " I asked.

" I'm.. I'm just.. Not in the mood for something Petra.. " Well, that's something new.

" If.. If you say so, then. " I kept on munching until I left her on the dining hall.

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Alrighty, I need to clean my room. It's not that quite tidy since, I got here. Okay, the broom is present, the mop, the bucket, the rug, the duster, and lastly Corporal Levi. Oh, everything's com—What in the name of Maria is Corporal doing here?! I looked at him with a confuse look in my face and he just stared back. This staring contest is beating me, so I cut of the silence. " What are you doing here, Corporal? " I asked. " Don't you see, I just saw you bringing up this.. this cleaning supplies so I followed and it seems like you're going to clean your room. Am I right? " He asked.

" Yeah, you're right, sir. " I nodded. " I just needed to clean my room because.. I feel like it's not completely clean at all. So, anyways, I'm going to clean now. See you around, Corporal! " As I turned over my heels, he spoke, " I'll help. " He picked the broom up and put a handkerchief on his mouth and on his head.

" Are you serious, Corporal? I'm fine by mys— " He cut me off by pointing at my ankle, yeah, sprained ankle. I sighed and also put a handkerchief over my mouth and head and started dusting the whole place.

Well, the silence was really taking all over the atmosphere around this room. 

Not until when he breaks the silence, " Anyways, Petra. Have you heard about our next expedition? " 

" Not really, but Hanji had mention about that awhile ago, Corporal. " I replied. 

" We're going to train at the woods tomorrow, with our 3DMG. The rest of the operation squad will come too. Meet me at my office 7 a.m sharp so we could go together. " He said, " Yes, sir. " 

Then, silence took over us. Again. When I was about to reach for the top of the cabinet, I fell while I tried tiptoeing on the chair. I waited for my body to make contact to the ground but, instead, I felt muscular arms around me. " You always fall or trip. You're a clumsy girl. " He muttered.

I know. I'm so so so clumsy. 

After an hour of cleaning, finally we're done. He said he'll bring the cleaning supplies back himself and I should rest first. 

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She's clumsy. She always tripped or worst, she even fall off from a chair. Geez, she might even fall off the bed when she's sleeping. Oh geez, why am I thinking of her anyways? She's none of my business right. Wait, no, no, she's my squad member at all. 


I should do the paperworks. Now. But, I need to bring this supplies back. Oh glorious cleaning supplies. I put the supplies back to where they belong and went back to my office to work on those shitloads of paperworks which Hanji and Erwin had passed. Damn, don't they have a hand? To write and sign on this thing?

If I could just slam this papers right on their faces really hard so, that would leave a mark or maybe pluck Erwin's thick eyebrows one by one and yank Hanji's hair all over again. Tch, lazyheads. I opened the door of my office and quickly sat on the chair.

Let's see what we got

.. Hmm, expeditions, supplies, titan shits, and some more of shit. Yes. Definitely that.

I started scribbling on the white sheet of shitty paper and I just wanted to finish them all. At once. 

After an hour of scribbling or whatever, I got a knock on the door. " State your name and business. Make sure my time is worth it spending at you. " 

" U—uh, I—It's Petra Ral. I just came here to deliver some reports from the commander. I—it's about the expedition. " I sighed.

" Come in and just dropped the reports on my table. " She opened the door and there were piles of papers in her hands. Well, not that many. And also not that few also. 

Another shit came. Not her, but that stupid, annoying paper. 

She left the reports on my table but, before she could leave the room, I asked for tea. She maked me some and delivered it as quickly as possible.

She walked around the table, place the saucer down, put the tea cup and place its handle on four o'clock.

" Is there anything you need before I leave? " She asked.

" There's none. You can leave now and rest. See you tomorrow, Petra. " She smiled and left the room.

.. I don't know why but, why is is different when I'm around her? I just met her, damnit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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