Why Are You Here?

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Ban's POV:

For the past few days I've been feeling a strong demonic presence near the tavern. I have no idea who it is or what they want but I don't have a good feeling about this. The Boar Hat had closed for the night so the cap'n said we could take some time off due to us working so hard. I decided to take a walk to investigate this power source.

I told the Captain that I was going for a walk but he didn't question it. Not long after the battle against Hendrickson, he explained somethings that we had all been wondering like his race. I already knew he was a demon but apart from Merlin nobody else did. It all shocked us at first but we accept him all the same. King has been watching him but he's just being stupid. I mean we've know Meliodas for years and he hasn't done anything bad to us so I trust him completely.

I was following the power when I came across a cave. It was large and pitch black. Luckily I had a lamp with me. I saw one boy sitting near a rock in the cave. A boy that I really didn't want to see.

"Zeldris?" I called out. He turned to look at me and growled. I saw a large wound on his stomach and he was bleeding badly.

"What do you want Ban of the seven deadly sins?" He snarled

"I could feel your power but why are you here and not in the demon realm?"

"Like hell I would tell you that"

"Look to me it seems like you need help desperately so tell me and I'll help you"

"I don't need your help"

"Are you sure about that?" I pointed to his wound. He looked away and sighed.

"I was banished"

"What? Why?"

"Because I stuck up for that idiot that you call your captain"

"Can't you just regenerate?" He froze and looked down. I knew what my answer was.

"Hmm I won't ask anymore questions now but I will help you" I said seriously

"Like I said, I don't need your help"

"Look, I hate you and don't want to help you but I'm not an evil bastard unlike you" Zeldris just glared at me but didn't answer.

"Stay here and I'll go get some bandages" I walked back to the Boar Hat and saw the sins there.

"Where's the captain?" I asked

"He took Elizabeth into town why?" Diane questioned

"I found Zeldris in the forest and he's badly wounded" I explained

"Can't he just regenerate?" King asked

"No. I don't know why but apparently he was banished from the Demon realm for sticking up for the cap'n"

"I hate to admit this but we need to help him" Diane moaned. I nodded and grabbed the bandages and we headed back to the cave.

Zeldris' POV:

I felt weak like this. I don't want Ban's help but I do need it. If I don't take his offer I will die. I just hope Meliodas doesn't find out about me being here. I know for a fact that he would try to kill me. Ban soon arrived but with the other sins.

"Why the hell are they here?!" I yelled

"Cause you might try to kill me" Ban smirked

"Your immortal!" I coughed out blood making them worry. Why the hell are they worrying about me?!

"What the hell gave you that wound?!" King exclaimed. I didn't answer.

"Zeldris, we're gonna need your cooperation if we're gonna help you" Diane grinned

"So I'll ask you again. What happened?" King demanded

"If you really wanna know, my powers were taken away" I said sarcastically

"How?" Ban asked

"How many questions?" I moaned. Diane just glared at me so I answered the question. In this state they could kill me here and now and I wouldn't be able to defend myself because I'm too weak at the moment.

"My father, the Demon King, took his powers from me and it took its toll on my body"

"Why did he take the powers?" King asked. They slowly began to bandage my wound up but I could tell they were on their guards.

"Because he was talking shit about Meliodas so I stood up for him okay?!" I was getting pissed off with them

"Alright we won't ask anymore questions but damn. Your own father banishing you from your realm just because you stood up for the cap'n" Ban exclaimed

"Whatever" I turned my head away

Ban's POV:

It was clear Zeldris wanted our help but wasn't going to admit it. Seriously! That guy had way too much pride! We bandaged him up and told him we would be back tomorrow. He has such an attitude problem.

"Guys let's not tell the Captain about this" Diane mumbled

"Agreed!" King exclaimed

"Yeah we don't want him to kill Zeldris when he could be useful to us" I sighed. We got back and saw the cap'n and Elizabeth just heading back from town. Luckily we made it back before them! We got in and continued to do what we would normally do. I was drinking and King was talking to Diane.

There is one thing I was wondering about though. It was something the Captain told us. King asked if he had any family there and he told us he had two younger brothers and a father but they hate him for betraying his clan so I wonder who they are but I never knew Zeldris was the demon kings son!

The Captain arrived with Elizabeth and grabbed some ale.

"So Ban how was your walk?" He asked

"Meh. Boring" I shrugged. He just sighed and we continued drinking.

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