What The Hell?!

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Meliodas'  POV:

It's been three days and each day the sins have snook out of the tavern to go to the forest. I know they are hiding something or someone in there because sometimes they will take food. When they sneak out today I'm going to follow them and find out what the hell is going on. Elizabeth has noticed it to but they haven't told her anything either. They normal sneak out at around noon and it's not long until then.

They all sneak out at noon but only one of them does later on (normally during work hours) so I won't notice that they are gone even though I have. I mean it not hard to miss a commrad is it? I've only asked about it once but they glossed over the question. I've already got my plan ready. I just hope they don't see through it.

Ban's POV:

Zeldris is slowly but surely getting better now. His wound still hasn't healed but he's beginning to get his strength back. He's threatened to kill us after this but obviously won't cause I know he's not actually like that because the other day when I visited him he did something I would even think he would consider doing.


"Hey Zeldris! I've brought more bandages"

"Good for you" he moaned sarcastically

"Just as annoying as ever I see" I teased


"Anyway here" I helped him bandage his wound and made small talk with him. I stood up and went to leave.

"Ban" I looked back at him.

"Thanks" he mumbled. My jaw dropped hearing that. Zeldris saying thanks?! What have we done to him!? I just smiled and went back to the tavern to tell King and Diane. They couldn't believe it either.

~~end of flashback~~

I still can't believe that he thanked me for helping him. He's not as bad as he makes himself out to be. I'm suprised that the Captain hasn't found him yet but that makes my job easier. Not sure how we'd be able to explain why we're helping him. The Captain explained to us about the Ten Commandments and that Estarossa and Zeldris were the most powerful out of them all.

King obviously asked him about how me knew so much and he explained that Estarossa grew up with the commandments and he had to watch over him sometimes. He also told us that he was the leader of the Ten Commandments which made us all shocked. I asked Zeldris about it too and he explained it. I also asked him about his father and if he had any other family members.


"Hey umm Zeldris, I was wondering do you have any other family? I mean like siblings"

"If you really want to know, my father is the Demon King and I have two older brothers"

"Who are you brothers?"

"Estarossa is my older brother but..." He trailed off

"It's fine you don't have to tell me, anyway see you tomorrow"

~~end of flashback~~

I wonder who his oldest brother is. And who the Captain's family is but I'm not a demon so I don't know do I? It just reached noon and the cap'n was upstairs asleep on his bed. King went to make sure and he was. Me, King and Diane then snuck out to go visit Zeldris. It wasn't a long walk but it was boring especially when you have to be quite to make sure nobody is following you.

If someone was following us though we would be able to feel their power near us. Diane and King kept checking behind us because we've noticed that the Captain had been watching us more since Zeldris arrived. If he has noticed that we're keeping something from him then we are going to be in trouble. Hopefully he won't find out. Zeldris has told us a bit about the Captain like how he's the most powerful demon to live and some of his secrets. It makes me wonder how he knows these things but I didn't ask. He told us that once, he drank all the ale in the demon realm and then the Commandments had to steal some from this realm. That would've been funny to see. I can just imagine the cap'n drinking and then demanded more ale but them trying to tell him that he drank it all.

We reached the cave and sat next to Zeldris. Like always he was being stubborn but that's what was making him fun to hang out with. He would normally snap if we laughed at him. I recon if the cap'n was on good terms with him, he would make a good comrade. We were getting to know Zeldris and more about why he was banished from his realm. We knew he was banished for sticking up for the cap'n but he told us what happened that day. Then we heard a voice.

"What the hell?!"

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