Here Comes Danger

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Nico's POV

As we fell, Y/N kept holding onto me--very tightly, might I add. She was in such a weird position, but then she fixed it.

She unwrapped her legs from my waist and just tangled them with mine. Her arms remained around my neck, but her grip loosened just a bit so I could breath better.

I could hear and feel her tears start to drip from her eyes. Her silent sobs broke my heart, so I held onto Y/N a bit tighter.

I can't believe I'm actually feeling pity for this girl..

Anyway, as we fell, I could see Tartarus' dirty floor, splattered with blood and monster dust. A lake was not too far from where we were landing.

I brought my lips to Y/N's ear and whispered, "There's a lake right there. Try to use your powers."

Y/N nodded her head and moved her hands. The water from the lake instantly came under us. Then, I dropped into the water. I guess Y/N didn't aim for her to drop in with me either.

Y/N laid in a very small pile of golden dust and blood not too far from the lake. I rushed to her side and checked for her pulse.

It was still there, but it was dangerously slow.

I checked my pockets and pulled out a vial of Nectar. It trickled into her mouth, and her pulse started picking up. I saw a giant rock that looked somewhat like a cave nearby. I picked up Y/N bridal style, and headed to the cave-rock-thing.

When we went inside, I laid Y/N on the floor. I put her head on my lap for head adjustment, and put a small bit of ambrosia from my pocket into her mouth. After, her eyes slowly opened up.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"Tartarus," I said. I shivered at the thought.

The air was extremely humid, sticky, and made my head pour with sweat. Tiny blisters were forming on my arms and legs, along with my cheeks. Y/N's beautiful face was also starting to blister up.

Y/N tried to sit up, but she screamed in pain and held onto my arm.

"My leg. It's broken," Y/N said while panting.

I lifted up her pants and saw a giant gash. A bone was able to be seen from the bottom of her knee.

"Well just stay here." I look around and saw monsters creep through the shadows behind rocks. The red floor and fire made the humid wind from the distance look like a black hole, ready to swallow you up. "Besides, it's too dangerous to go out. There's a fire lake not to far."

"And why is that good news?" Y/N asked.

"Things are different down here. The fire is a way to heal you," I explained.

Y/N frowned, confused. "Strange."

I chuckled. "Yeah, well, Tartarus is a place where things never stay normal." 

"Have you been here before..?" Y/N asked nervously. 

I stayed silent and stared into the distance while she looked up at me from my thigh. Her E/C orbs were shining in the dark. Even though I liked her--perhaps even loved her--I wasn't going to tell her my horrible experience in the real hell of the world. 

"Nico..." she whispered. 

I looked down at her. She gave me such a pleading look that I couldn't resist. "Yes." 

She sat up with a bit of struggle, but I held her arms to keep her stable. I let go of her as she adjusted her legs, the broken one out and her normal in. 

"How was it?" she asked. 

"Terrible. I was chased, attacked, nearly killed, basically. I almost lost my sanity. I could hear and see illusions. It was... not pretty." 

I looked over at her as she stared at me. Again, her E/C was shining. It was enough to make someone knock them off their feet.

She put her hand on my cheek and came close, our lips inches apart. The tips of out noses brushed against each other. Then, she came in. 

A loud roar could be heard and a giant hellhound was found bounding toward us. Y/N let go of my cheek and backed up a bit. 

"I can't walk," she said. 

"I'll carry you." I grabbed her and ran from the hellhound as fast as I could, Y/N telling me how far he was and to go faster or not. 

I found a rock and hid behind it as the hellhound ran past us. I put Y/N down and saw that her leg was soaked with blood. Her eyes were closed and her skin was starting to whiten. 

She was passed out from blood lose...  

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