Penn got shot

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Rippen: Any news from our scout droid ?

Rippen's men: Nothing sir, even the satellite can't pick up anything.

Rippen: Grrrr ! Where could they be hiding ?

Larry: Maybe they went outer space.

Rippen: Don't be ridiculous, all rocket platform on this planet have been destroy ... - suddenly Penn called on his screen.

Penn: Long time no see Rippen.

Rippen: Zero, where are you now ?

Penn: If you want to know, go outside and look at the sky.

Rippen and Larry ran outside with their men, spotted a large black object on the sky. Three aircraft which looks like Star Destroyer from "Star Wars" came out of the object and landed on the field a mile from Rippen's base, right in front of them. A shutter open under the aircrafts and thousand of soldiers march out, including Dan, Penn, Sashi and Boone.

Rippen ( with an angry face, yell at his men ): Release the dead.

Rippen's men and Larry ran inside. A gate open beneath Rippen's base, thousand of zombies furiously came out then stop, waiting for order. Rippen and Dan stare at each other with a hateful eyes for a while, then ...

Rippen and Dan: ATTACK !

Two armies advance straight to each other, Dan's army have the advantage because they are robot, the trio also join the fight with better armor and weapons.Then, Larry came out pulling a big gun with him.

Larry: Hey Rippen, look what I found in the armory - he said pointing the gun at Rippen.

Rippen: No Larry, point it somewhere else !!!

The gun are too heavy for Larry, so it make him fell and accidentally pull the trigger. The shot missed Rippen, but it is heading toward ... Penn. Sashi saw the shot heading toward her boyfriend, but he is too busy killing zombies that he didn't noticed. The shot is almost near, with no hesitation, Sashi run forward to take the shot ... but she isn't fast enough. The shot hit Penn and made him collapse on the ground, Sashi run toward him and lift his head up. Suddenly, they got zapped back. Penn has fainted.

Sashi: Phyllis, Penn been shot, help him !!

They took him to the nursery room. Penn woke up 5 minutes later.

Sashi: Hey Penn, you okay ?

Penn: Uh, who are you ?

Sashi: WHAT !??


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