Save the world

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The next day, Penn woke up in his room, on his bed seeing Sashi with his hand on her waist,and both are in their underwear .He surprised and fell of the bed,but isn't loud enough to wake up Sashi.

Penn:Ow! What did I do last night ? Why do I feel so dizzy ?

Penn ignored what happened and quickly put on his clothes,leave Sashi alone and went down to make breakfast, it's only 5 am at the moment.
After haft an hour, Sashi went down stair looking like she is having a headache, and without tying her hair up.Penn look at her with a confusing face.

Penn: Hey what's wrong ?

Sashi: I don't know. My head hurts and dizzy. What happened last night ?

Penn: I can't tell. I can't remember anything from last night? Hmm... Maybe it's nothing important, let just eat breakfast.

Sashi: Yeah, maybe you're right.
Penn:Hey where's your headbands ?
Sashi:I don't know, I can't find them anywhere.Let me go check.
Penn:Nah. I think you look prettier without them.
Sashi:Thanks Penn,you're sweet - She said with a sweet tune.

They both have breakfast and then left Penn's house,when suddenly Penn stop Sashi.

Penn:Woah woah woah. Where do you think you're going ?
Sashi:To work.
Penn:Not until you are fully healed.
Sashi:Come on Penn,I can still do my job.Beside, I'm feeling better already.
Penn:But your wounds...
Sashi:I'm fine,no need to worry about me. You still need me to know what our mission is,and I'm the only one who knows how to use the spec.
Penn:Fine, you got me - He said with a funny tune.

On their way to the theater, they hold hand and lean against each other.They arrived at the theater, but doesn't enter yet,not before a quick kiss on the lips.

Phyllis:Good morning Penn ... And Sashi.What are you doing here ?
Sashi:Don't worry,I'm feeling better.I can still do my job.
Phyllis:If you say so, get on the platform.
Boone(already arrived):Glad you could join us.We don't know what we'll do if we don't know what the mission is

They got zapped to a whole new world which they never visit before. Surrounding them is metal walls with computer screen on every corner. Penn look like a general ,Boone look like a soldier and Sashi is a ... robot.

Boone:Cool you're a robot.
Sashi:Awesome,look what I can do.

Two machine guns appeared from her arm and points at Penn and Boone.

Penn:Woah put the gun down Sash.
Sashi:Just kidding - she giggled.
Penn:Okay,check the spec.
Sashi:Right.We are in a zombie apocalypse,80% of the world population have join the zombie army. The remaining survivors have built a fallout shelter for themselves, that where we are.Penn's the manager of this bunker,Boone's the leader of the scavenger team, and I'm Penn's
robot bodyguard.

Boone:So ... What's the mission again?
Sashi:Oh right.Our mission is to locate and find the Helghast army.

Boone:What's a Helghast army ?

Sashi:They're once an invincible robot army which was created by a legendary genius Cade Helghast about 400 years ago.But when he past away the army vanished without a clue.Before he died,he get to say his last word:"Only the descendant of mine can find my army and no one else".The zombie apocalypse was started by one of his old enemy and past through generations and this army is humanity's last hope.Dan Helghast- the top scientist of the bunker lab, is Cade Helghast's descendant. It's all up to him to find that army.

Penn:Well, what are we waiting for ? Let's find him.

The trio reach the lab, found Dan and took haft an hour to convince him to help them, they armed themselves to the teeth and left the bunker with 50 men.On their way, they face many danger: horde of zombies, toxic mutants, even zombie dogs; they've lost many men until there's only 10 left not including the trio and Dan.But with Sashi by their side, nothing can touch Penn or Boone or Dan.

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