Chapter 11 - A Promise to Keep

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Dipper lifted Mabel's hair so that it no longer covered her face. Her cheeks were red and blotchy, it was obvious that she'd been crying for some time, though, she wasn't crying now, there was blood slowly trickling out of the corner of her mouth. Dipper gently picked her up, cradling her in his arms. He was worried, but more than anything, he knew he had to get her back to the shack, if anyone would know what to do, then it would be Ford. He carried Mabel along the long, dark corridor through which he had entered the cave earlier. The journey was surprisingly much shorter on the way out than it had been on the way in. 

Dipper emerged from the cave, the fresh air was nice after being cooped up in the damp cave for however long he'd been in there. He walked away from the cave, noticing the mystery shack's golf cart parked on the edge of the trees. Maybe someone was nearby? He made a beeline for the cart, Mabel's limp form still cradled in his arms. When he arrived at the cart he noticed that there was no one with it, he gently lay Mabel down on the seat of the cart before doing a bit of scouting in the nearby area. "Grunkle Stan!" Dipper called, he waited, listening for a response. Nothing. "Grunkle Ford?" He called again, making his way through the people who might've used the cart. Again, there was no response. "Soos!" Nothing. "Melody!" Nothing. "Wendy?" Nothing. Dipper made his way back to the cart, maybe they'd gone back to the shack without it. Either way, he had to get Mabel back, he could apologise later if anyone was using it. He gently sat Mabel up, strapping her in, before sliding onto the seat behind the wheel. He reached to the ignition, sighing with relief to find that the key had been left in there, and started the cart. He wrapped his arm around Mabel, allowing her head to rest against his chest, partially to support her and partially to reassure him that she was still there. He drove quickly yet carefully, making his way back to the shack. He silently thanked Soos for the modifications he'd made to the cart that allowed it to move at much faster speeds than your average golf cart. While he drove he regularly glanced down at Mabel. "You were wrong you know." He told her "You haven't fulfilled your promise, I'm not sick of you yet, not by a long shot. That's how I know you're going to be ok. You never were the one to break a promise." When Dipper had first seen Mabel lying lifelessly on the floor, he had just wanted to cry. But his protective side had kicked in, allowing him to hold back his emotions. But now, he knew that she'd be ok. She had to be.

Dipper pulled up next to the shack, he didn't bother to park the cart properly or anything like that, but right now he didn't really care. He gently picked up Mabel, taking her inside the building. He carried her to the living room, gently laying her down on the sofa which had been added since Soos took ownership of the Shack. He ran upstairs, grabbed a blanket, ran back downstairs and pulled the blanket over Mabel. She looked just as though she were sleeping, just she was much quieter than when she sleeps. Dipper smiled, thinking of how he would sometimes wake up to hear her mumbling to herself in her sleep, or even singing sometimes. After a pause, Dipper tore himself away from Mabel's side. He had to find Ford. 

Dipper rushed outside, clambered onto the golf cart and sped off into the thick trees. He kept his eyes peeled and called for his Grunkles, shouting at the top of his voice. "Grunkle Ford! Grunkle Stan!" For a short while, there was no reply. But then he heard a voice in the distance.
"Dipper?" Dipper sped off in the direction of the voice as fast as he could. The voice had been too quiet to identify, but he didn't care. He burst through the trees, coming across a small group of people, all of which turned to face him as he arrived, their faces lighting up as they realised it was him. "Dipper, we were so worried!" Ford said walking over to him. Ford was accompanied by Stan, and Wendy. They'd all grouped up to discuss a plan to find both Dipper and Mabel.
"I found Mabel," Dipper announced. "But she needs help." Everyone's faces lit up but then were quickly overcome by concern. Everyone clambered onto the golf cart, it was a tight squeeze and probably slightly more illegal than usual, but no one cared. Dipper quickly turned around and drove straight for the shack.

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