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Mari, Haneul and Nana were sat together inside a small cozy cafe. Together they discussed about what would happen in future.

All three girls went to the same high school and attended the same class, but it's so surprising how far they are at life, it's surprising because it's so different.

Mari attends college but is also a growing investor, this was possibly because she came from a successful business orientated family and was very studious during her high school days, then there was Haneul who is an actress attending acting school, since childhood she has played many roles in dramas and movies, although in the past her roles were small they are now growing. And on the other hand there's Nana who's currently unemployed and looking for a job, her high school days was spent auditioning and practicing so she could become a kpop idol, and we all know how that turned out.

"I couldn't even get that part time job at the local convenient store," Sighed Nana.

Haneul replied,"I don't know whether i should laugh because it's been 7 months and you haven't found a job or cry because it's been 7 months and you haven't found a job."

There's an uncomfortable pause.

Both Mari and Haneul found it difficult to comfort Nana during her hard time; how were they suppose to comfort her? Mari and Haneul are slowly succeeding life and making steps to achieve and fulfil their dreams while Nana was at a dead end trying to get back to her feet again.

"Actually, I'll be needing a new manager soon so Nana maybe you should apply for a managing position in my company? And i can beg them so you have to be my manager!" Haneul suggested.

Nana's face brightened for a moment until Mari makes an educated mention that Nana would need experience first before being an independent manager.

Suddenly Mari get's a light-bulb moment, brightly she says,"Nana, i think there is a job that you can get! It's only temporary, just a few months but you can get really good managing experience. How does that sound?"

"Anything is better than nothing" says Nana.


(After Mari organises things)

Nana and Mari are sat next to each other inside a taxi on their way to the entertainment company (PLEDIS), Mari explains as much as possible to Nana before they reach their destination.

"It's a fairly new idol group, the company needs extra helpers to support and manage the group as there's lots of members. Basically there will be a main manager and you will be helping him following what he asks you to do, i think there's another helper too, so it should be the Main manager and two helpers which includes you, don't worry yOu're only following them until promotions end so it should be at least a few months. Sorry if the Pay isn't what you wanted but the job is yours."

After that they had already reached the destination, a corner building that was kind of small compared to what Nana had imagined an entertainment company to be. It had a large sign above the entrance that labelled the building "pledis".

Slowly Nana opens the taxi door while gazing at the building which now looks bigger in her eyes.

From inside the taxi Mari reaches out for the open door and hurriedly says,
"Good luck Nana, you'll do great! Bye!"
Then abruptly slams the door in which the Taxi rushes down the narrow streets.

Nana is now by herself, there's a feeling of nostalgia that runs through her. She's nervous, suddenly becomes scared, the same feelings she'd feel before auditioning only this time she wasn't auditioning. Today is her first day of work, she will be working as an temporary employee of an entertainment company.

Her heart feels heavy.

It's cold in the building, air conditioning is working really well. She is following a friendly staff member who is leading her to where she needs to be,

"There's a lot of boys, it's really difficult to tame them all so it's great we have more staff to manage them all!"

'Boys'. Nana didn't think it was a boy group, she assumed that she'd be helping manage a girl group as she was female too.

The staff member knocks on a door twice then enters, they gesture towards Nana to enter the room. Nana follows the Staff into a large dance room with the ugliest green coloured walls.
In the room there are 2 other people, the staff who welcomed Nana leaves.
There are 3 people left in the room; Nana, another girl and an older male.

"Welcome!" The man smiles warmly and shakes Nana's hands firmly.

The other girl youthfully bows to Nana and energetically greets her. Nana tries to keep up with the playful atmosphere but it's all too dazzling for her.

"I'm SEVENTEEN's manager, you can just call me Oppa or manager Oppa, the boys often call me manager hyung," says the man in high spirits. He then gestures towards the other cute girl, "this is Somyi and she is also new, you two will be assistant managers for SEVENTEEN when promotions start for them and you'll help until promotions end, that is also where your contracts will end too."

"Okay," said Nana and Somyi together.

"Brief introduction; our main jobs are to make sure all the boys are doing fine, make sure they don't run away *laughs* but seriously don't let anyone do something stupid, generally I will always tell you two whAt you'll need to do, there will be other staff as well following like stylists so don't worry too much about them. It's gonna be hectic but if there's any questions feel free to ask me."

The Manager Oppa releAses a heavy sigh of relief. Then proceeds to breathe normally,

"You'll meet the boys later." After a pause he adds, "try to avoid getting messy with the boys, they get bored easily so don't let them tempt you"

Nana couldn't tell whether the manager was joking or being serious. She knows dating within the entertainment industry is difficult and full of heavy consequences but she doesn't know how serious the consequences are.


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