The after shock

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Lance's POV

When me and Brea filmed the kiss scene I felt something during the kiss but I'm not sure if she felt the same way. Right now I am with Brea and we are sitting in silence just looking at each other. It's just awkward. I then decide to speak up

Lance: Brea

Breanna: yeah lance

Lance: we need to talk

Breanna: about what lance

Lance: the kiss scene

Breanna: yeah that was intense

Lance: yeah

Breanna: did you feel anything lance

Lance: yeah I did, did you

Breanna: yeah

Lance: so we both liked it

Breanna (blushes): yeah

Lance: awww your blushing

Breanna (blushes more): will you shut up lance

Lance: nope

I then go up to Brea and I sit next to her and pull her closer to me and she blushes more and rests her head on my chest and I put my arm around her shoulder. I then lift Brea's chin up to get her eyes to meet mine and I started to lean in and she does the same.

Jade: hey guys

Me and then pull away from each other and look at jade

Breance: hey jade

Jade: Brea can I talk to you for a sec

Jade then looks at me

Jade: in private

Lance: I get it

I then kiss Brea's cheek and leave

Jade: so you and lance huh

Breanna: stop it

Jade: what if I would never of come in and interrupted you and lance you would've kissed and when I came in you were sat close to him and he had his arm-

Breanna: ok ok I get it

Jade: so this all happened after the kiss scene

Breanna (blushes): yeah

Jade: do you like lance Brea

Breanna: yeah I do

Jade: (screames)

Breanna: jade tone it down a bit I don't want to be deaf

Jade: sorry but this is huge

Me, Rico and Aidan then walk up to the girls and I kiss her cheek and the others start smirking

Breance: you guys can stop smirking now

Rico and Aidan then start teasing me and before you ask, yes I told them that I liked Brea

Lance: can you two stop

Ricardo: hey you the one who told us that you liked-

Lance: RICO

Breanna: lance you don't need to shout

Aidan: jeez if you didn't want her to know you could of said

Lance: I did

Jade's POV

I wonder what Rico and Aidan talked to lance about as they were teasing him about something

Jade: Rico Aidan can I talk to you guys for a second on private

Ricardo and Aidan: sure jade

Me, Rico and Aidan then go into my trailer away from breance

Ricardo: what's up jade

Jade: what did lance say to you two

Ricardo and Aidan: that he likes Brea

Jade (screams): Brea likes lance too

Aidan: we have to get them together

Jade: I think they may be ahead of us

Ricardo: why would you say that jade

Jade: I caught them about to kiss

Aidan: really what were they like

Jade: lance was holding Brea close to him and her head was on his chest and they both started to lean in, they would of kissed again if I hadn't of stopped them

Ricardo: ok what do you think there doing now

Jade: probably kissing

Aidan: come on we better go see

Jade: yeah. Hey guys where's Tony today

Ricardo: he's off sick today

Aidan: bummer

Jade: come on boys

Me, Rico and Aidan then make our way to breance to find Brea asleep on lance's chest and lance is rubbing Brea's arm with his hand and we could see Brea snuggle more into lance's chest

Jade (whispers): aww that's adorable lance

Lance then turns his head and rolls his eyes

Lance (whispers): should you guys be hanging out somewhere else

Ricardo (whispers): shouldn't Brea be awake and not snuggling into your chest lance

Lance (whispers): can you guys be quiet before you wake her up

Aidan (whispers): lance she's snuggling into your chest we're not going to leave you guys alone again

Lance then roles his eyes again and Brea then snuggles more into lance's chest

Ricardo (whispers): you should really wake her up lance before she gets too comfortable on your chest

Lance but rolls his eyes again and he leans down and kisses Brea's forehead and she wakes up

Lance: hey you feeling better Brea

Breanna: yeah thanks

Lance: it's no problem

Jade: so that was adorable

Breance then rolls their eyes

Aidan: you guys know it's true

I think breance are annoyed that we keep teasing them but they are adorable together. We then start talking whilst breance were snuggling together and then the director tells us that we can go home and we do

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