Breanna quits school of rock (last chapter)

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Breanna's POV

It has been four months since Liam raped me and it has been four months since Liam has been sending me pictures of him and his friends naked and he said that he would get all his friends to rape me. Right now I am in my trailer thinking. My thoughts were interrupted by lance walking into my trailer

Lance: hey princess are you ok

Breanna: lance I need to go

Lance: Brea what are you talking about

Breanna: I can't stay if Liam's here

Lance: is this why you cleaned your trailer out

I then nod my head and I start to cry and I could feel lance pull me into a hug and I snuggle into his chest and he rubs my back and I calm down

Lance: I understand that you have to go Brea but I'll miss you a lot

Breanna: I'll miss you too lancie

Lance: Brea can I ask why your leaving

Breanna: Liam's been seeming me pictures of him and his friends naked and he said he would get all his friends to rape me

Lance: how long has this been happening for

Breanna: four months

Lance: why didn't you tell me

Breanna: I was scared lance ok

Lance then pulls me closer to his chest and I burst out crying

Jade's POV

Right now I am on set with Rico. Aidan and Tony are filming a scene and they will probably be there a while as it is a big scene and Tony keeps messing up. My and Rico then decide to go to Brea's trailer as we know that is where breance is. We then make our way to Brea's trailer to find her crying into lance's chest

Jade: Brea are you ok

Breanna: guys I have to go

Ricardo: go

Breanna: I can't stay here not when Liam is here

Jade: do you really have to go Brea

Breanna: yeah I do jade. Liam said he would get his friends to rape me and he's been sending me pictures of him and his friends naked

Ricardo: we will all miss you so much Brea

Breanna: I'll miss you guys too

I then pull Rico and breance into a hug and we release two minutes later

Jade: I just really wish you didn't have to go

Breanna: me too but as long as Liam's here I can't stay

Lance: where will you go princess

Breanna: I have a cousin who lives in Australia and she said I could come and stay with her for as long as I need to

Lance then pulls Brea into a hug and she buries her head into his chest and he kisses the side of her head

Lance: when do you leave

Breanna: tonight. I need to go speak to the director about me leaving

Jade: what's going to happen to school of rock

Breanna: I'm going to have to quit

Brea then makes her way to the director and we follow her. Lucky for her Aidan and Tony have just finished filming their scene

Director: Breanna you wanted to talk about something

Breanna: I'm leaving America to go to Australia tonight

Director: is there a reason why

Breanna: my ex boyfriend raped me and he is threatening me

Director: of course I'll give you guys the rest of the day off so that you can say your goodbyes

And with that the director leaves and we make our way back to Brea's house so that she can pack and we can spend as much time as we can with her before she leaves. As soon as she had finished packing we had time to watch a movie so we put in her favourite horror movie and I could see that she had snuggled into lance's chest so I snuggle into Rico's chest. As soon as the film had finished we could see that her taxi had pulled up to take her to the airport so Rico went to get her suitcase as it was too heavy for her to lift and we said our goodbyes. Lance went with her to the airport so that he knew she got off ok as I know he would worry about her

Hi guys like I said in the last chapter this is the last chapter of the book and I am not going to do a squeal for this book as I have no time to write it

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