15 | jimin's house

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taehyung focus
that night, taehyung walked jimin home, not wanting the boy to walk by himself. jimin's eyes were red and puffy, and he commented on how they stung, resulting in taehyung kissing his eyelids countless of times.

the two walked hand in hand, jimin leading the way. taehyung had never been to jimin's house; after they watched the sunset they would kiss, say their goodbyes, and walk home by themselves.

both boys were quiet during the walk, the two not knowing what to say. taehyung had more questions to ask jimin, the words repeating in his head.

where is his father now? are his parents divorced? how could someone like jimin deserve any of this?

although the words were pleading to come out of his mouth, he stopped himself. he knew that it was already hard for jimin to tell him only the beginning of the story, and he didn't want to force the boy to tell him more.

taehyung was patient, and he would wait until jimin was comfortable explaining the rest to him. his grip on the shorter boy's hand tightened as he thought about what jimin told him at the park, obviously upset that his father would carelessly call his son a disgrace in front of him - especially at the age of eight.

jimin lived fairly close to the park, the two already making their way towards jimin's house. the two walked up to the front porch, jimin taking out his keys from his back pocket before looking over at taehyung.

taehyung watched the boy's gaze fall to the ground, unable to face him now. taehyung lifted jimin's face, seeing his eyes water again.

"baby," taehyung started, cupping the boy's cheeks. he wiped away the tears that managed to fall onto his face, before pecking his lips. "i'm here, okay? you don't need to worry about him when i'm here to protect you."

jimin nodded his head, leaning in to kiss taehyung again. "i'm sorry for crying." jimin said, looking at taehyung through glossy eyes.

"there's nothing to be sorry for, jimin." taehyung said, "you don't deserve a father like him; you don't deserve to be called the names he called you. you're my everything, jimin, you mean so much to me. you shouldn't ever be called such things, and you shouldn't have to believe them too, okay?"

jimin hugged taehyung tightly - his face against taehyung's chest - as he whispered, "thank you, tae."


once taehyung approached his house, he grabbed his keys, unlocking the door and taking off his shoes. he closed the door, about to make his way towards his room, until he heard his mother call out his name.

"taehyung! your father and i want to talk to you about something." his mother said, both of his parents waiting at the table. taehyung walked over to the table, sitting in front of his parents.

"you're not in trouble," his father started, "we just want to know where you've been going out every night."

taehyung sighed in relief, expecting a lecture from the two. taehyung's parents were extremely strict, always having high expectations for their son. his parents owned many company's, and were very rich because of it. though they were extremely wealthy, they didn't act superior to everyone - but still, taehyung's parents expected a lot from the boy.

"i've just been out with my boyfriend, that's all." taehyung said. his mother smiled, playfully smacking her son's hand. "why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend, we have to meet him sometime!"

taehyung grinned, nodding his head as his parents smiled at him in approval. he then went up to his room to shower, waiting for his mother to finish cooking dinner as he thought about jimin meeting his parents, already knowing they'd love each other.

[i'm getting worse at updating, and i realized i should've prewritten my chapters before school started.


i wanted to at least update today, so i hope you guys enjoyed!! i promise to start updating frequently!]

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