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I'm in one of those teen clubs from cruises, as usual not being able to socialize. Then, I'm supposed to be at school dressed as Wonder Woman because it's halloween and I know we are supposed to wear one costume in the morning and another in the afternoon but I don't want to change because I noticed that my other costume looks like a pajama and I feel awesome as Wonder Woman. But how feel doesn't matter I broke the rules and didn't change costumes and now they are what matter in the world. Everything goes grey and I see other girls screaming at three ladies that have an old fashioned cart, within it I saw wigs and costumes. Everyone was trying to get a costume and I approached one of the ladies who were selling them and before I could talk she gave me a wig and a hat and said that it was worth 70 dollars. I didn't actually pay her instead I teleported to my grandma's balcony where the only light source were two candles and strangers were sitting in the chairs that have always been in that balcony but in the last chair there's a girl from my class. I used to be friends with her but she turned out to be hypocritical backstabber. I bent down to talk to her and she said, "You will see a box". When I looked to my right there it was, a light grey box with a ghost aura and the number 64 glowing green in the right corner. I asked, "How do we start the game?". She looked at me and replied, "Inigaishki", then she kept getting closer and repeating it. "Inigaishki, inigaishki, inigaishki" and now I was screaming at her to stop saying it because the more she said it the more the world would shake. Out of nowhere I teleport again, Im with a guy that seems to be my age but we are both stuck in a tar pit for some reason. Then I see us from above in blue like I was watching myself from some kind of satellite and a hear a voice of like a reporter saying, "Scientists are thrilled at the discovery of the habitat of the (I cant remember but it was some dinosaur name). I turned and said to guy, "So they are not going to take us out?", but he just shrugged and laughed a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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