Gouda Morning!

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((A/N just so u know this is story is in Nico's pov unless the top of the chapter says other wise))

Once I woke up from my beauty sleep, I looked at my alarm clock. "Sharp cheddar! I gotta get ready if I wanna go on this dat-um...hmm. I-it's not a date, b-but if it's n-not, than what is it? Um, two bros hangin' out! Yeah! That's what it is...

Anywho, I changed into the outfit I had picked out the night before. While I was changing, I recalled the dream that I had last night.

"Honey, come downstairs I made breakfast!" My lovely husband called out to me. "Coming, sugar pie!" I smiled as I walked down the steps arranging my tie; I always managed to get it messed up! "Hey, can you help with my tie, dear?" I asked him while trying to undo the damage I had done to the poor piece of cloth. "Of corse Nico Dearset, I'd love to." He grinned and started to do it the right way ((A/N: 😏💦👌omfg 😂 ok i'll stop)). Once he was done he placed two plates on either side of the table and sat done. I was frantic; if I didn't drink my morning coffee, I would be a mess. "Honey, sit! Please! Our coffee will be done soon enough. I promise it'll be done by the time you have to go to work." He pleaded. "Alright." I muttered and sat down. "Here, open up!" He said bringing a piece of pancake on a fork to my mouth, "Say awhhh~" I opened my mouth and he place the breakfast food into my mouth. I blushed, I was still getting new to this marriage thing! "Okay, now eat up! You're gonna be late for work if you don't hussle." He told me getting up to put his plate in the sink (Somehow he magically ate his pancakes in a snap, I swear he's a ((water marble)) witch). "Okay." I responded, picking up my briefcase and putting on my hat. As I walked toward the door, I was grabbed by the shoulders by...


"You wouldn't leave without our morning kiss, would you~?" He smirked with a hint of lust in his eyes. "U-uh, y-yeah! Of course! Can
n-never leave home without it!" I stuttered out, I wasn't expecting that! He started to lean in, lips puckered when-

And that's where the dream ended. I can't believe I had a dream-no-NIGHTMARE about a Fifty year old man being my husband! Given, he does look like a 20 year old super model- wait that's not better either. UGH! I knew I was questioning, but I can't believe my decision is over a hot,middle-aged guy? Screw it, I'm gay and I have a crush on a blonde haired witch man who uses magic to make 12 year olds fall in love with them.

I combed my hair throughly and skipped down the stairs. "Hey mom! Can I go hang out with one of my friends?" I asked in a sweet tone. "Of course, Nico. Where are you going?" She asked before I headed out the door. "IHOP." I responded with a dorky smile as I headed out the door trying to push out the dream I had earlier.

(( Just so you know, I was listening to Blue and Dead Girl Walking from Heathers while writing this that's why the end of the dream is suggestive lol 😂 ))

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