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I just screamed. I had no idea if this was a dream or reality. 

Blood. There was so much blood on the body I had spent months memorizing, that lay in Elain's impeccable garden. 

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and move me into the house. Rhys. He shouted at Cassian to check on Tamlin. He was brutally beaten up and there was blood gushing out of his abdomen. 

Cassian and Azriel carried him in and upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms of the House of Wind. A healer was immediately summoned to look him up. 

Hours. That's how much time the healer was inside after having demanded for various herbs and medicines which Cassian brought in. By that time, we all had calmed down though Rhys refused to leave my side, afraid that I was in some sort of danger. Azriel checked the city for any dangers. How Tamlin had managed to get through the wards was a mystery in itself. 

The healer eventually came out, I could make out Tamlin's silhouette on the silken sheets of the guest bedroom. She explained to us that a deep sword wound had been inflicted on his abdomen and that he had been beaten up brutally. His mind trying to cope with the physical injuries had slipped into a coma. At this, I gripped Rhys's hands. I may not love Tamlin anymore but I owed him for what he did for Rhysand and even I could not forget those many months of love that I had shared with him before I found my mate. He was more or less my friend and I did not wish him any danger. 

"Coma is not a permanent state, do not worry. He will be up. But when cannot be predicted. I will visit everyday to check on his injuries" the healer continued, "meanwhile I think I should check up the High Lady since it's time for her periodic check up"

With this she made me sleep on our bed with Rhysand by my side. Rhys never missed any of the check ups, no matter how much work he had he would drop it all, claiming nothing was more important than the safety of their child. I knew how many years he had spent alone and that this was a dream come true though it scared him about our well being. 

The healer, using her magic, did a series of checkups. Everything was normal and the baby was steadily, healthily growing. However she would have to take a visual examination of the baby for which she would come tomorrow with all the requirements. We went back to see Tamlin laid out on the bed with blankets thrown over him and hastily arranged table with all his medicines. 

Stunned as we all were, we stared at Cassian who just shrugged "we owe the bastard anyway" and sauntered of towards the training ring probably to meet Nesta. 


I walked through the hallways, a book in hand, towards my usual destination at this hour of the evening. As I passed through the windows overlooking the garden I could not help but smile at the sight of Elain and Lucien sitting together having tea. They had been steadily becoming close and though I knew Elain would not jump into it anytime soon I could not help but hope that she would see the caring red headed man who loved her more than anything.

Cassian and Nesta too had seen improvements in their relationship. They were now inseperable and made quite the dynamic duo. After Father's death, Nesta had closed up to almost everyone but a few. Only Cassian, Elain, Feyre and Rhys she trusted. She had started warming up to Mor who came out to the rest of the family. Family. I smiled to myself. I suppose that's what they were to me. My life had gone through so many changes to land up exactly where I wanted to be.  

As I reached the room I slowly pushed open the door and sat in the rocking chair by the window with a shawl wrapped around me for protection against the cold. It had taken but a little amount of reasoning with Rhys to let her take on the guard duty in the evenings. She did not have anything to do especially as she was at the fifth month of her pregnancy and the healer was taking no chances with the High Lord's child. She did not want to sit in her room all day and since the chances of Tamlin waking up during her watch were slim they let her do it. Rhys understood her need to be productive more than anyone and knew he had nothing to fear of their relationship. She loved him more than words and nothing could ruin that. At all. 

Reading through the pages, a feat that had become easier, she soon felt sleep tug at her. That with the cool air coming in through the window,  she slipped into its clutches. 

Hey guys! Thank  you for your support. I am sorry this chapter was small but I promise more juicy twists in the next one. Keep reading and don't forget to vote and/or comment:)


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