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Having managed to finally get a lead on Ajun's secrets, I did not want to delay meeting my source. I must admit, I am skeptical about my source. It wasn't easy in the first place. I had to inconspicuously dig up this man. I was asking around in the bad parts of their city. Even then I exercised great caution, because one word and it would ruin my whole scheme and I would not be able to protect Feyre. 

I walked into a particularly disreputable tavern. My source had requested to meet here owing to keeping their conversation a secret. The cover of the sinners was apparently the best one there is. I slipped in and went into one of the many booths kept for the pleasure of the men felt the need to rutt at all hours of the night. He walked into the booth with utmost care, source he may be, but one could never be sure when it came down to business. 

He was greeted to the sight of a surprisingly covered up woman, before he could snap at her to get the fuck out, she removed her hood. It was a man apparently, and a rather ancient one at that. He was wearing a robe and could be screaming " Spy!" at the city with his not so subtle attire. 

I know, I am not an easy person to deal with. 

" High Lord" He acknowledged. 

" I am afraid I do not know your name" I mused  "Despite you knowing mine."

" I am afraid we cannot all afford the security of knowing noone would dare frame us I suppose" 

I was starting to like this man better. 

" Can we get down to business, old man? Time is running down for the both of us, though I dare say it seems to be nearing the end for you" I said eyeing the man's appearance. 

What I had aimed to make irksome seemed to provide the old man with great humour. He chuckled " Definitely, High Lord" He suddenly took on a business demeanor " It would help if I knew exactly what you wanted to know about" 

There it was. The true test. If Tamlin decided to trust this man and disclose his knowledge or lack thereof, he was putting himself into the man's mercy. A leap of Faith and I was never a wrong judge of character, though my previous acquaintances may say otherwise, I was right MOST of the times. I hesitated but in the end decided to go through with it. I was getting desperate as Feyre's due date neared. 

" Ajun, your king, has been in the shadows for most of the history, and so has your city. I want to know why he has suddenly taken up the position of someone far superior than any minor king has the right or resources to be." 

"Aah," the old man smiled "High Lord, what makes you think he has no resources?" 

"I don't think HE has resources but I know there is someone in the background who has access to it and knowledge far beyond my years."

The old man looked surprised, but only for a second, "I must admit I did not think the hot temperamental High Lord of the Spring Court would be able to see beyond what is told to him" Before I could retort at the insult he continued. 

"You are right, my lord. King Ajun is not really the main player in this game. He is only a pawn here. The main player is indeed much more powerful and has seemed to acquire a power the likes of which has never been seen before" 

" Who is this man?" 

"You know not many people knew about the king of Hybern's nightly pass times or that he was the type of maniac who very much enjoyed dallying with women of all types, even if they weren't willing" he mused "One of his favorite pass times, carried his child much to her own disgust" I was shocked, I had never once considered a heir other than Dragnon and Brannagh. "Well, she was disgusted enough that she never told anyone who had sired her golden boy, who was indeed that. She raised him with all her love and the boy was very strong indeed." 

"But unfortunately for her, one of the ministers who was passing by her village happened to see her and her son and without further ado reported it to his master. The similarities were not as inconspicuous as she would like and a minister who faced the king everyday would of course recognize the child as his. The king was not happy  about this. So he personally went along with his soldiers, taking a break from his dark activities, and slaughtered her infront of her son. The boy had deeply loved his mother but seeing the man his father was. He had two options, he could join his mother in her fate or take a chance to become the king and someday avenge his mother. As expected he took the latter. The king wanted to slaughter the boy. But he brought him back to the castle and was charmed enough to decide to name him the heir, no matter who his mother had been. But before he could do it, the prince made an attempt on his father's life."

"Knowing the maniac the king was, it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that he put his headstrong son into the dungeons were he spent 70 years of his life, always starving, always waiting. After the king died, he took his opportunity and came out. None of you High Lords ever wondered who the new King of Hybern was. King Edmund, as he is now called is ruthless. Where his father was a maniac, Edmund is cold and calculative. Where his father was rage, he is icy and far off. You know what they say, the cold ones make the more cruel ones." 

I processed this information. So there had been an heir. But the question remained. 

"So you  are telling me this Edmund is the one behind Ajun and his plans."


"Why is he hiding behind Ajun?"

"Well he is still inexperienced, it might be more wise for an untested king to make others do all his dirty work. The people of Hybern are tired, they are now poorer and more miserable than ever and so of course they would be skeptical about putting the son of the man who ruined them, on the throne. If they doubt him, even for a second, they can take him off the throne with a full fledged revolt. So of course he would rather have someone else do his dirty work than risk his kingdom."

" That does make sense I suppose. But now to the most important question. What does he want with The Night Court? Is it just a petty revenge for killing his father? It cannot be for it proved to be more advantageous for him and he cannot possibly harbor love for the man who slaughtered his mother and locked him up for the better part of his life. What is his true intention in this whole affair?" 

The man's eyes shined with humor. 

" That, High Lord, is the real question isn't it? But I am afraid that comes with a very long story. One, which not many know of and those who know, don't speak of. I am going to tell you the real story behind the Cauldron and it's creator." 

 Okay that wasn't what you were expecting was it? It was never meant to be;) I took a long time and many rough pages to come up with the storyline of the next chapter. But I think it came out pretty well, if I do say so myself. Thank you all for your support and love which has encouraged me to write better. Stay tuned for the next chapter, which technically charters the course for this entire book. Don't forget to vote and comment!:)

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