Kiss Me

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Spencer's lips are tentative on yours, almost nervous, and his hands barely graze your hips. You sigh almost in disappointment as you lean back from him, gazing up into those hazel eyes.

"You don't have to be afraid, Spence," you say after a moment, your hands carefully rising to rest against his shoulders. "I don't bite unless you want me too."

Spencer flushes, embarrassed, but you just give him that warm smile of yours that he's come to crave. You're kind to him, you've sort of doted on him since the moment you started working near him. Sure, you're just a tech, but you're lively, protective of the little sister you have to take care of, and he admires you for your strength.

He knew about your sister because you have pictures on your desk, but he didn't realize she was disabled, that she had a mental illness. You're taking care of her to the best of your ability, going through the same things he had too with his mother. You never complain, you talk about her fondly, and he wishes he could have that relationship with his schizophrenic mother; he loves her so much, but it's so hard.

The two of you had bonded during lunch one day when you'd brazenly sat down at the same table as him, and he'd stared at you like you were some kind of ogre. You'd chattered while you sat with him, not seeming to mind that he barely offered any sort of response, used to it from being at home. You did it a few times before he opened up a little, relaxed around you and sort of become friends.

Of course, the two of you are in his apartment, where you'd sort of invited yourself over. Your sister had after school care classes, so that usually gives you the breaks you need every now and then. Really, you want to put yours to good use, if Spencer would stop being such a prude.

This is, admittedly, the first time the two of you have kissed, and that's because you took the initiative. You like him, you really do. He's smart, and so cute when he goes rambling off on one of those subjects you can't begin to understand. You like his messy hair, when he runs his fingers through it until it's sticking in every direction. It cracks you up to see how he can go into thirteen minute long speels of complete bullshit just to mess with his fellow agents, and you've sat and watched him as he worked, how much he loves to read.

He's adorable.

Of course, you're not exactly sure if he's attracted to you, though. You might have befriended him, but you're much more outgoing and brazen than he is, and you tend to go after what you want instead of waiting. You've tried to be more patient with Spencer, seeing if he'll make the first move, but all he does is blush when he looks at you and hastily avert his eyes with some nonsensical murmur.

So, you must take the first step.

It had started off well, you showing up at his place, carrying takeout and a bottle of wine that was more for your sake then his. You'd plopped down on his comfy sofa, chatting amicably about different subjects like you have a few times before. It had only been afterwards when you'd seen your opportunity, when you'd literally sort of thrown yourself into his arms for a kiss since he was on the verge of running away.

"I, I um," Spencer doesn't know what to say, he just looks down at you. You smell wonderful, whatever perfume you use completely addicting. He finds he likes it when you hug him, you leave that scent behind on his clothing. He finds it strange, how he can't stand shaking hands with someone, but he doesn't mind you touching him, or your spontaneous hugs. He much more likes listening to you giggle, your conspiratory whispers when the two of you are having lunch, as if you have some big secret between the two of you.

You chuckle, lacing your fingers behind his neck, watching his dark hair fall into his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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