Chapter 2: Stop the Pain!

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(Howdy! Yay! Part two. I'm sorry this took a while, I wasn't sure if others wanted to have a part two. I'm soooo happy you've bean reading this! This chapter is going to have alot of emotions such as depression. I'm sorry... This chapter is like this because I want to show others that words hurt and can cause so much pain. Any way, Enjoy and tell me what you think.)

Errors P.O.V.

I feel really uncomfortable sitting here. I can feel the gaze of others staring at me, it feels like their drilling a whole in the back of my skull. "Umm... Mr. Ink?" I ask. "Yes Error?" He says, snapping out of his train of thought. I can see a slight blush tinting his cheeks. 'Heh. How cute!' I think to myself. "Excuse me but can you show me where the bathrooms are? I would like to know." I ask him, wanting, no, needing to get out of the room. Away from the glares of others. "But of course, Error. Now that I think about it you've never bean to my home before. Come, I'll show you." Ink says reaching a hand out for me. I stand up on my own, not taking his hand, fearing that if I do it will anger the others, and because of my own personal phobia. "This way!" He beckons me to a hallway. I follow behind, having to run in order to keep up with him. After a few minutes we reach our destination. "This is the bathroom." "Thanks Mr. Ink." I say as he walks away. Once gone I walk into the room turning around to close the door, but I'm stopped when a person shoves me. Looking up I see Fresh standing above me with Fell and Swapfell, as well as Flowerfell. "Looky here brosephs! We found our rad selves a little girl." Fresh says, laughing. "Ya lost girly?" Fell says grabbing the front of my sweater and lifts me off the ground slamming me into the wall. I yelp in pain as I look down at him. What I saw scares the living day light out of me. Fell, Flowerfell, Swapfell and Fresh staring at me with a pure sadistic intention. I squirm in Fell's grasp kicking my legs out randomly. After a while I hear a crunch sound and I fall to the ground. Looking up I see Swapfell griping his skull as he's hunched over cursing at me. I take my chance and attempt to run out of the bathroom. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!!!!" I'm pulled back by my ankle causing me to fall forward, bashing my head off the side of the sink. "You little BITCH!!! You cracked my skull open!! I am going to cause you so much pain that you won't be able to talk for a long, long time!" He says as he begins to punch me. I yell and scream in pain, crying out for help but am soon gagged to muffle my pleas and cries as well as tied up to prevent any escape. I soon begin to weep as Fresh takes toothpicks and stick them into my thighs. While Swapfell burns me with a lighter and some cigarretes.

Ink's P.O.V.

'It's bean a while. I wonder what's taking Error so long.' I think to myself as i walk to the bathroom to check on him. When I reach my destination I knock on the door but get no response. "Error? Are you there?" A few minutes after saying that I turn around ready to leave, "INK!!!!!!" I quickly turn back and start shaking the door knob but to no avail. I then start ramming into the door trying to get it to open. As I do so I hear screams coming from Error as well as four other voices.

Errors P.O.V.

I hear a knock and the door and start struggling, afraid it's someone else who wants to hurt me. Then I hear a familiar voice. 'Ink!' I struggle trying to get the gag off of me while the others are standing still, holding the door shut. After a few minutes of struggling I hear receading footsteps. 'Ink! Please help me!' I struggle more and finally get the gag off. "INK!!!!!!" I scream. I then see the door knob start jiggling but Fresh holds it closed. Then Ink starts to pound on the door looking as though he's about to break it. Finally the door breaks open to reveal a extremely pissed off Ink. I soon notice something that I hadn't before, the others were huddled in a corner shaking fearfully. "What the heck were you doing to Error?!!!" He yells, giving them a death glare. "All of you out!!" He quickly teleports them somewhere, if I were to guess their probably outside the mansion. "Error, are you OK?!" He asks as he runs over to me, untying my restraints. "T-they hurt me..." I say crying slightly. "I know. C'mon, let me tend to those wounds." His voice is gentle and laced with worry but I can't let him take care of my injuries... "Mr. Ink, I'm sorry but can I tend to them?" "Hmmm... ok. But call me in if you need any help OK? I'll be standing outside the door." He then closes the door behind him as he exits the restroom. when it closes I start hyperventilating. 'Shit, and I was doing so well...' I mentally scold myself as i take out a razor from the cabinet sink. It's bean five months since I last did it but I'm at my breaking point I take the sharp object holding it above my left leg and cut it, again and again, all the while I cry silently. Suddenly the door burst open. I look up frightened, only to be met with Ink's gaze. "E-Error?! What the hell are you doing?!!" He caught me halfway done with my other leg. 'Oh no... it's over. H-he'll never love trash like me!' I start sobbing, turning away from his gaze, slamming my eyes shut. I wait for Ink to speak but only hear silence. As time goes by I start to get worried, I open my eyes and stare at the floor. "I-Ink I-" I'm interrupted by the feeling of warmth around me. Ink's hugging me!! I feel my face heat up as I blush. "Oh my god, Error! Why didn't you tell me that you're self harming? You can always talk to me." He says, his voice cracking, sounding hurt. My heart breaks at this and I tightly hug him back. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I repeat over and over almost as though I'm in a trance. Ink stands up and grabs the first-aid kit, tending to my cuts and other injuries. Once done he carefully picks me up bridal style. "I-Ink! Wait p-please put me d-down!" I say squirming around in his arms. "Why?" He asks, completely confused. "B-because...." Ink waits for me to finish my sentence but I tense up so he asks, "Error, are you afraid of me?" I look up seeing him look hurt. "N-no!! That's n-not it. I'm afraid o-of physical c-contact..." looking up I see Ink is shocked. He gently sets me back on my feet. Rubbing the back of his skull he says, "Sorry. I didn't know. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone your secret. Now lets go back!" He beckons me to follow him and I do so gladly, still felling my cheeks heat up. I feel a warm, fluffy feeling in my chest. 'Is this what love feels like?'

(A\N)- Oki Doki!! The chapters done! Now I just have to start and finish the third one! I hope you enjoyed the story so far. And once again, sorry for not updating in a while. And if you have any sanscest request, be it fluff or sin, even lime I will try to do it. Just message me or put it in the comments. Bye Bye!

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