Why me?!

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Error's P.O.V.

"Error, i-i-""Hey, Ink! Where'd ya go?" I jump in surprise when Ink is interrupted, I look past him seeing Dream walking over to us. I look back to Ink who was putting a towel over the painting. "Hi, Dream." Ink says, smiling with his usual smile. "Hi, Inky~" I cringe at his words, they sound so lovey dovey. "I was wondering where you were," Dream looks over to me with a slight glare in his eyes. "What were you guys doing?" He asks, not removing his gaze from me, seeming almost creepy. "Just talking Dreamy." Ink says catching Dreams interest. "Oh? What about?" He says, innocently looking at Ink. "Just the contest. Do you need something?" I watch as Dream looks like those words hurt him physically. I small happily at this. "Actually, I was wondering if you could show me around, y'know? Give me a tour. This place is so big, I don't want to get lost~" Dream takes Ink's hands, pulling him close and kissing his cheek. I tear up, wanting to cry from the sight of this. Ink looks back at me and mouths "sorry" to me as he's pulled along by that little Star. I walk to the living room where everyone else is and watch as the others were drinking and eating, having fun and socializing. I hear music turn on and then dancetale sans drops the beat, dancing to his hearts content, others soon joining him, laughing and dancing with excitement. I sit down at a nearby table, watching them all but my mind drifts to other places. I think of my home and how great it would be to just curl up and fall asleep or take a hot bath with bubbles, but soon my mind drifts to the drawer next to my bed, and what's in it. I'm shocked out of my thoughts by the delighted squeals of others and the crying of Blue. I look and see that Dust has just proposed to Blue, Blue crying tears of joy, hugging him and repeatedly saying "yes". I smile at them and their happiness. Getting up, I begin to walk away into a hall. I don't know where I'm headed, I just know I need to calm down. as I walk farther down I begin to hear a noise. As I continue to walk the sounds grow louder, until I'm around the corner where the sounds were. I stare in shock as I see Dream sucking off Ink, Ink moaning loudly. His hand on the back of Dreams head. I run back to the living room, and out the front door, wanting to get away from it. Wanting it to have just been a nightmare, but I'm not waking up, this isn't a Dream. I soon reach my home slamming the door as i get inside. I run to my room locking the door. I slide down the door sobbing, my mind replaying the scene over and over again, like a video stuck on repeat. After a while of having a panic attack I crawl into my bed, curling up and falling into a sleep filled with nightmares.

Ink's P.O.V.

I feel torn as Dream pulls me away from Error, him disappearing from my view. After a while of walking Dream abruptly stops, pushing me against the wall. I tense up at this action. "Dream? What are you doing?" I ask him, confused. "Inky~ Do you know how much I looooooove you?" He says seductively. "N-no I don't, wh-" "I love you this much." He says, kneeling down and he begins to unbutton my pants. I jump at this action, "D-Dream?! No. We can't do this. I-" I gasp as I feel dream put his mouth around my member. Bobbing his head enthusiastically. I can't get a word out due to the pleasure but I try to stop him, putting my head on his head to stop his movement. I hear a gasp, making me jolt in surprise. Looking over I see Error standing there in shock with tears streaming down his face. He runs away, tears dripping to the floor as he goes. When Error leaves, Dream stops, looking smug with his work. "Good night, Inky~" Then he skips away in delight while I'm left here to stare at the floor in shock. I just hurt Error. I didn't mean to, I was trying to get dream to stop, he just wouldn't. I don't understand. I zip up my pants, pulling them up. I decide to explain and sort things out with Error as soon as we go back to school. I walk back to the living room asking the others if they knew where Error went. "Oh! He ran out those doors a few minutes ago." Blue tells me, pointing to the front doors. "Thanks, Blue. Congratulations by the way." I say to the newly engaged. As the party dies down and everyone begins to leave, I Walk to my room when the last guest leaves. Plopping down on my bed I stare at the ceiling restlessly until my eyes grow weary and sleep overcomes me, enveloping me in its welcoming embrace.

Dream's P.O.V.

I giggle in my room mischievously. I'm excited now that Error is heart broken. He'll never want to talk to MY Inky again. I'm sick of the way Error looks at Ink. He's my boyfriend. The most popular jock in school. And I'm his little cheerleader. I'm special to him. Error is such a nerd. Why can't he just go and die already. For fuck sake. He's just a weak pathetic nobody, he doesn't deserve to live. I'll just have to power up the jocks and start a rumor. Simple as that.

Error's P.O.V.

I wake up panting, crying heavily. The incident keeps repeating itself even in my dreams. It hurts. I'm tired of being in pain. I open my drawer up, looking for my calming tool. And soon enough there it is. I smile at it.

(A/N)- sorry I haven't updated in quite a while. I'm going to try and update sooner and more often. I get writer's block easily and have been dealing with some stuff. Thank you for reading this, and being patient with me. Bye bye.

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