Miss. Invisible

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I'm going to tell you a story about a girl who no one ever noticed.

She was the girl who sat in the back of the classroom only to speak when spoken to.

She was the girl you bumped into in the hall this morning mouthing the word 'sorry' but you'd forget about her by the end of the day.

She was the girl who no one could remember her name, maybe because she wasn't important to anyone.

She kept her head down walking through the halls.

She was the girl who sat at the end of your lunch table and ate her food in silence.

She was Miss. Invisible.

When someone did take interest in her, she felt happy-she felt as if someone actually cared about her.

Someone was there for her, she finally had friends who promised to stay.

She no longer sat at the end of the lunch table, or kept her head down in the halls.

She finally started to talk in class, and for the first time she smiled.

The girl was finally happy...however, her happiness was short lived when her 'friends' started to ditch her at the lunch table.

They didn't sit next to her in the classroom anymore.

When they walked through the halls they acted as if they didn't see her.

She watched her friends slowly leave one by one, the ones who said they'd be there for her weren't there anymore.

Soon the girls smile started to fade away.

She wasn't happy anymore.

The girl was all alone again.

She was back to being the girl no one noticed.

The girl who wasn't important.

The girl who's name you couldn't even remember.

The girl no one cared about.

I told you my story, I'm Miss. Invisible.

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