Chapter Four

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Turning off her phone, Anna slid it in her pocket and picked up Jack, who smelled like he had a dirty diaper. She put a fresh one on before placing him in his playpen, and went upstairs where she ran bathwater for Lucy. It didn't take long for the bathtub to fill up. "Lucy! Come up for your bath, please!"

Lucy rushed up the stairs giggling, both tv remote controls in her arms, with Ben and David chasing after her.

"Would you please give those to Ben so you can have your bath? I put bubbles in it." Anna sighed, hoping a tantrum would not be had, and tried taking the remotes from the little girl.

"NO! I want my Daddy to give me a bath! I want to see my Daddy, NOW!" she cried out and flung the remotes to the floor.

Ben got down on his knees, "Luce, Dad's in jail. He was put there 'cause he hurt us and Mom. He's not comin' back. I know it's-"

"No! He loves me! He would NEVER hurt me!" she screamed and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her.

"Hey, it's me. Can you let me in?" Anna knocked on the door softly, and slowly the door inched open.

"Okay." Lucy sniffled and let her babysitter in.

"You know he'll always be with you, if you remember all the fun things you did together. Can you remember something fun you did with him?" asked Anna as she sat on the bed next to Lucy.

"Um...last year before my Daddy losted his job, we all went to the beach and he made a really big sandcastle with me!" Lucy stopped crying and smiled. "It was really really fun. Even Ben helped."

"That's great! Whenever you're sad and miss him, you just think of when you made that sandcastle together. 'Kay?" Anna said, wishing she had at least one good memory of her parents to think back on. But she didn't and it left her feeling sad and empty.

"'Kay!" Lucy scooted off the bed and pulled a pair of clean pajamas out of her dresser, practically running to the bathtub filled with bubbles.

With Lucy and Jake in bed, Ben left to go to David's for the night, leaving Anna by herself. After flicking through the tv stations and finding nothing that interested her, she walked over to the Dell computer and turned it on, logging onto MSN. The only people online were two old friends from fifth grade, who she no longer talked to anymore, and she was about to log off when rocker_boy67 signed in and started talking to her.

rocker_boy67 says: hey :P

rocker_boy67 says: u still babysitting?

annabear:( says: yea i am. y u up so late, mister?

rocker_boy67 says: rock concert

annabear:( says: oh cool lol wat band

rocker_boy67 says: mine, i play bass

annabear:( says: oh SWEET *is jealous*

rocker_boy67 says: u wanna be in a band? its not fun all the time u know

annabear:( says: no i wanna play guitar lol thats it

rocker_boy67 says: so whats stopping u

rocker_boy67 says: if u want to do it then do it

annabear:( says: i cant. my dad says itll distract me from getting good grades, something i dont get in the first place

annabear:( says: im just stupid i guess

rocker_boy67 says: oh ur anything but, trust me

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