Chapter Three

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Anna slowly opened her eyes and could make out the faint outline of a little girl. She could hear Jake babbling and the Barney theme song. Blinking, she focused on Ben and an unknown teenage boy hovering over her.

"Finally, you're awake! What happened? Are you okay?!" Ben exclaimed, worry and concern laced in his voice. She sat up slowly.

"Oh. Sometimes I get really bad migraines and they hurt so bad. It's like I'm being shot in the head and the pain just won't end. I guess my mother got them too or something." She tried to explain and noticed the other boy was staring at her. "Who's he?"

"Oh, that's David. He's on the soccer team with me." Ben replied nonchalantly.

"I thought you had to go to soccer practice."

"I called the coach and said I wouldn't be able to make it. You should rest."

Anna tried to stand but was stopped by David. "I just need to get my phone."

"Where is it? I'll get it for you." Ben jumped up.

"It's at the bottom of my purse. Which is on the kitchen table." She told him and seconds later was handed her purse. "Thanks, Ben. I'll be fine, really. You go on ahead with David."

"No, it's ok.. He said he didn't mind stayin' here for a while. Well, at least until we have to leave for practice." smiled Ben as David came into view.

"Yeah, I don't mind at all. Lucy's good at hide 'n' seek." David joked, causing Lucy's face to flush red.

"Well, alright. I'm just gonna IM a friend for a bit." Anna told them and switched on her phone, signing onto MSN. And as always, rocker_boy67 was online.

annabear:( says: so r u gonna tell me ur name?

rocker_boy67 says: nope. u gotta guess. :)

annabear:( says: awww dang it

annabear:( says: so wut r u up 2 today?

rocker_boy67 says: n2m just out with friends, u?

annabear:( says: babysitting. well more resting now, since i passed out in the bathroom.

rocker_boy67 says: oh god are you okay?!

annabear:( says: im fine i just have a bad headache

rocker_boy67 says: aww i hope u feel better

rocker_boy67 says: oh my friend gustav wants me to tell you he said hi

annabear:( says: lol hay gusty *waves*

rocker_boy67 says: he wants to join the convo, tht ok with u?

annabear:( says: sure ok :P

+Chef-boy-r-d has now joined the conversation+

annabear:( says: yo gusty hows it hangin

chef-boy-r-d says: u kinda scare me

chef-boy-r-d says: ...

chef-boy-r-d says: just a little bit lol

annabear:( says: aw y thank u :D

rocker_boy67 says: sooo...... >.>

annabear:( says: do u guys watch family guy?

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