Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Sheriff Andrew Tate removed his hat as he walked into the doctor's home. The doctor's plump wife led him into a back room and he tipped his hat to the woman as she bustled back out.

Sheriff Tate's eyes went to the back corner of the room to a man lying asleep upon the bed. He was bare from the waist up and his chest was wrapped in white bandages.

Sheriff Tate cleared his throat to wake the man and his eye flew open only to narrow instantly. "Who are you?" His voice was hoarse and fatigued.

The lawman flashed his badge. "I'm Sheriff Andrew Tate and I hear you wanted to speak to the lawman in town."

The man nodded, his expression becoming predatory. He slowly pushed himself up against the wall. "Yes, I did. My name is Vincent and I was senselessly attacked. I figured a lawman would take an interest in that."

The sheriff nodded. "Can I ask who did this to you?"

A name left Vincent's lips like a curse. "Marston Jacobs."

Andrew Tate didn't recognize the name but he was a relatively new lawman and hadn't lived in these parts long. He was desperate to build up his reputation so maybe this was the chance he needed. "And what exactly prompted this attack, Vincent?"

Vincent feebly reached for the glass of water on the bedside table and Nathan quickly moved forward and took it in his hand, holding it to the injured man's mouth.

"Thank you," Vincent said once he'd drank his fill. "I was visiting with my friend and his daughter when Marston barged in and attacked us. He shot me and left me for dead before killing Gilliam and kidnapping the girl."

Sheriff Tate nodded. "And why would he do that?"

Vincent scoffed. "Because he's unstable! He is a murdering lunatic and he wanted that girl for his own. Sick bastard."

Sheriff Tate fumbled with the folder under his arm and thumbed through the papers inside. "So would you say he's been in trouble before?"

"I know for a fact he has," Vincent agreed.

"I have numerous wanted posters here that are nameless. Do you think you could help me see if Marston Jacob's is among them?"

"If he's in that stack, you won't know it. The giant of a man is always bragging about how his poster doesn't look a thing like him."

"Maybe you could help us with that?" Sheriff Tate inquired as he shoved the folder back under his arm.

That predatory gleam in Vincent's eyes grew brighter. "I'd be more than happy too."

Sheriff Tate rushed to get someone to sketch the poster and when they were done he stared down at Marston Jacob's face. Sharp angles, cold eyes and a circular scar on his cheek.

"Any other distinguishing characteristics we should know about?" Sheriff Tate asked.

Vincent tapped his chin. "His eyes. They aren't a color you see often. They're gold. And he's damn near seven foot tall and real strong. Brown hair and dark skin."

Sheriff Tate nodded gratefully and shook the man's hand. "I thank you for your assistance, sir. We'll do our best to bring the man who did this to justice."

Vincent laid back flat upon the bed. "Lawman, can I ask a favor?"

Sheriff Tate paused in the doorway. "What is it you need?"

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