Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

    "I have to head on into town and get some work done at the shop today," Marston stated unenthusiastically as came out of the bedroom. 

    Rose and Kaitlyn were cooking breakfast together while Langley read a book at the table. He looked up. "Can I come with you?" 

    "Sure." Marston smiled. "It'll be good for you to learn how to gunsmith so you can help your old pa and I won't have to do everything." 

    Langley laughed. "You're not that old!" 

    Marston shook his head. "You hear that, Rose? I'm not that old." 

    "Hmmm," was her only reply. Marston glanced her way and noticed that she was staring out the window and had one hand resting on her stomach as she seemed to be lost in thought. 

    Marston went to her and wrapped her up tight in his arms, pulling her back in tight to his chest. He rested his chin on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

    She forced a smile and turned her head to kiss his cheek. "Nothing." 

    Marston growled. "Don't lie to me. I know you too well to fall for it." 

    Rose sighed. "I just have a bad feeling." 

    "What kind of feeling?" 

    Rose's shoulders heaved with a shrug. "That something bad is going to happen." 

    Marston nuzzled her neck. "What exactly?"

    Rose squirmed in an attempt to get away from him. "I don't know." 

    His chuckles were muffled in her hair. "Then it's not a very helpful feeling, is it?" 

    Rose sighed. "No, I suppose it isn't. Just be careful when you go into town today, okay?" 

    "Yes ma'am," Marston conceded. He splayed his calloused fingers over her stomach. "I can't wait until I can feel him move." 

    Rose smiled as she laid her soft hand over his. "You still have a while to wait." 

    "I'll have to learn to be patient," Marston grumbled. He kissed her temple and moved away from her. "Come on, Langley. We'll go out and take care of the critters and hopefully by the time we're done the womenfolk will have us men something to eat." 

    "Of course your highness," Rose teased with a roll of her eyes. 

    "I prefer your majesty," Marston countered. 

    "Then you should teach the pigs to talk," Kaitlyn chimed in with a giggle. 

     Marston's eyes widened in her direction before narrowing as he grumbled under his breath and left the cabin with Langley on his heels. 

    Kaitlyn watched him go and chewed her lip. "Did I make him angry?"

    "No," Rose assured her gently as she pulled the biscuits from the oven. "He walks off whenever he can't think of anything witty to say. It hurts his pride." 

    Kaitlyn sat the platter of bacon and ham on the table and wiped her hands on her apron. "I want to thank you both for giving me a home." 

    Rose smiled as she poured a jar of canned apples into a pot with brown sugar and placed it on the cook stove. "You don't have to thank us, Kaitlyn. We're a family." 

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