The collision was strong enough to kill someone on impact. If I could have only let the car drive a little further to the edge then the officer would not have been able to slightly swerve around me. My legs could have been crushed, head against the steering wheel, cracked open enough to bleed my limit of two pints. My eyes could be sifting as I hear an ambulance in the background and people trying to make me respond, but I wouldn't. My mother hearing the news and me still able to hear her voice like nails on a chalkboard, engraving the message into my brain that this was my fault and that I make her life so much worse that what it could be without me. Only when I see my aunt and uncles face of dishonor and disgust I can get ready for the transition out of my body. It comes close when the nurses rush to prick my arms replacing my stale blood. Only when I see my grandmother is when I can smile and think about my past. My life flashes before my eyes and thinks of how I will never be with boyfriend in heaven because I'm not Muslim. My body grows cold and I smile knowing that I never mounted to my potential in life because I was never meant to be here in the first place. Out of the state of matter, a hand softly intertwines mine. It helps me up from my bed and shows me a path. Whether I take that path it still leaves a fork in the road. I look behind and the room is gone, it's a white eternity that goes on endlessly. I look forward and that path becomes a tunnel with a light brighter that any sun. It doesn't hurt to look at and the closer you go to it, the better you feel. No pain is left in with your spirit. A voice speaks out in nobility and echo. A voice that could move mountains and make men of war fall to their knees. It speaks to me, "Come child, judgment has been sent upon you. What is your last prayer?" I stare down at myself, a glowing matter that can evaporate into nothing. I close my eyes and lower myself before this voice. "Our Lord, who art in Heaven, hallow be thy name, thy kingdom come. Bring me faith closer unto you and forgive me of my sins as I forgive sinners." I blessing touched my head. "Rise child, your spirit may rest in peace. Forever in the kingdom of Heaven is for you. Bless it be, be it blessed."
In One Hour
Short StoryShort fiction story of what can happen within the hour of a car crash going bad. I had gotten into a car crash earlier that day and so I was letting out my feelings through this story. Sorry for being morbid, but I thought maybe this could be a warn...